React - Gallery of My Life

This project is my first attempt at simple CRUD react-app after learning react and material-ui. Skills practiced while building this app include client-side form validation with regular expression, conditional rendering, axios get/put/post/delete requests git branching, and material-ui cards, icons, and buttons.

Built With


  • react.js
  • Material-ui
  • axios


  • node.js
  • express.js
  • pg
  • postgresql
  • postman
  • postico

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.



  1. Download from github
  2. npm install
  3. create database using postico code provided in database.sql
  4. npm run server
  5. npm run client
  6. open project using Chrome at (http://localhost:3000/)

Screen Shot


Completed Features

  • Gallery with photocards that show description on click
  • Move the data into a database (postgresql)
  • Add a form (new component) that allows a user to POST a new gallery item
    • Client side form (use absolute URL for images)
    • Server side route for posting an image
  • Ability to delete and like a gallery item
  • Add styling with Material-UI

Next Steps

  • Implement uppy for image upload
  • Style form using material-ui
  • Update app to use react-router
  • Have navbar to switch between gallery and photo submit form


  • Anthony Dunahee


Special thanks to Prime Digital Academy instructional staff for shaping task, providing some server code and providing feedback on refactoring my conditional rendoring.