
Primary LanguageJava


This repository consists of Graph problems which are implemented using Java.

Problems Covered:

  1. Adjacency matrix creation (Normal case)
  2. Adjacency matrix creation (Weight case with single edge between the nodes)
  3. Adjacency matrix creation (Weight case with multiple edge between the nodes)
  4. Adjacency List creation (normal case)
  5. Adjacency list creation (with weights)
  6. BFS traversal
  7. DFS traversal
  8. Cycle detection in undirected graph using BFS
  9. Cycle detection in undirected graph using DFS
  10. Check Bipartite graph using BFS
  11. Check Bipartite graph using DFS
  12. Cycle detection in directed graph using DFS
  13. Topological sort using DFS
  14. Topological sort using BFS (Kahn's Algorithm)
  15. Cycle detection in directed graph using BFS (Kahn's Algorithm)
  16. Number of islands (Leetcode-200 : https://leetcode.com/problems/number-of-islands/)
  17. Shortest path in undirected graph with unit weights
  18. Shortest path in weighted DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph)
  19. Dijkstra's Algorithm (Shortest path in undirected graph)
  20. Prim's algorithm (Brute force & Optimised approach) for MST
  21. Disjoint set data structure implementation (will use in Kruskal's algorithm)
  22. Kruskal's algorithm for MST
  23. Bridges (Cut edges) in graph
  24. Articulation point in a graph
  25. Kosaraju's Algorithm (for finding Strongly connected component)
  26. Bellman ford algorithm (works for -ve weight as well)