
A curated list of awesome GitHub Advanced Security secret scanning resources.

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Awesome GitHub secret scanning Awesome

A curated list of awesome GitHub Advanced Security secret scanning resources.

Secret Scanning Patterns

Secret Scanning Custom Patterns



  • policy-as-code - GitHub Advanced Security Policy as Code designed to allow users to configure their Risk threshold for security issues reported by GitHub Code Scanning, Secret Scanning and Dependabot Security.
  • probot-security-alerts - Sample GitHub App which monitors and enforces rules for code scanning, Dependabot, and secret scanning alerts


Secret Remediation

  • GSSAR - GitHub Secret Scanning Auto Remediator (GSSAR)
  • BFG Repo-Cleaner - tool that's built and maintained by the open source community. It provides a faster, simpler alternative to git filter-repo for removing unwanted data.
  • git-filter-repo - Quickly rewrite git repository history (filter-branch replacement)


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