An experimental implementation of Avatar Logic with a Prolog-like syntax
- AbdallahZ7
- as04-gitToronto, Ontario
- bakeromso
- berkus@microsoft
- bilboquet
- blankhartNew York
- bobbbayCanada
- cgarciaeGoogle
- D1mon
- denisfitz57
- dfischer
- Eastwooder
- endrin
- evhubAnthropic
- fncnt
- ids1024@System76
- isgasho
- ivancerasCebu, Philippines
- JakubKoralewski@roqad
- joseluis@andamira
- lbordowitzMerit International, Inc.
- levitationSimplify / Macrotec LLC
- mainrsGermany
- mehBerlin
- mufeedvh@getasterisk
- naftulikay@sadasystems
- oparaskosEngland
- rcaerbannogUBC Vancouver
- rhizome01
- saolof
- shirshak55New York, United States
- sirinathSakrio!
- thomasmarshFacebook Reality Labs
- timothyklim
- willi-kapplerUniversity of Tübingen / Geoscience
- wongjiahauMalaysia