
The AdvancinguStripeSubscriptionBundle provides a simple Symfony service to subscribe users to payable subscriptions using the Stripe payment service. The bundle also includes an HTML table and JS code to display available subscription plans and allow users to subscribe to a plan using Stripe's payment pop-up window.

An account with Stripe is required to use this bundle.


The bundle requires Symfony 2.2 or greater, the Stripe PHP API, as well as JMSSecurityExtraBundle.

Install the bundle via Composer by adding the following line to your composer.json dependencies:

"advancingu/stripe-subscription-bundle": "dev-master"

Semantic versioning of this bundle will be introduced once it has stabilized further.


Sample configuration via config.yml:

    advancingu_stripe_subscription.keys.public: %stripe_public_key%
    advancingu_stripe_subscription.keys.secret: %stripe_secret_key%

    stripe_public_key: %advancingu_stripe_subscription.keys.public%
    stripe_secret_key: %advancingu_stripe_subscription.keys.secret%
    payee_name: "ACME Industries Inc."
        my_default_plan:                 # The plan's ID as defined with Stripe.
            i18nKey:   # Key inside translation domain for a plan.
            messageDomain: messages      # Translation domain to use for plan name.
            price: 2000                  # In cents.
            currency: CAD                # Three character ISO currency code. Must be supported by your Stripe account.
            role: ROLE_PLAN_DEFAULT           # The lowest user role required for permission to execute actions protected by the plan.
        subscribe_route: MyWebsiteBundle_default_subscribe            # Route to redirect to if a user tries to access a resource without or with an insufficient plan. 
        subscription_required_i18nKey: subscription.please_subscribe  # Key of the flash message to display.
        subscription_required_message_domain: messages                # Translation domain of flash message.
    trial_role: ROLE_PLAN_TRIAL               # Role name to identify a trial plan subscriber.
    trial_duration: +14 days                  # PHP DateTime modifier string, indicating the duration of a trial
    object_manager: doctrine_mongodb.odm.default_document_manager     # Service ID of the object manager responsible for persisting user instances.

To use the included HTML templates, add your Stripe public key to Twig's global variables:

        stripe_public_key: "%advancingu_stripe_subscription.keys.public%"

To use the security exception listener, add the listener to your firewall in security.yml:

            access_denied_handler: advancingu_stripe_subscription.access_denied_listener


Note: Plan role names must start with ROLE_, otherwise they will not be picked up by Symfony's default security voters.

Tip: Use role hierarchies to define incremental plans.


This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle: