
Allows loading of templates to facilitate inheritance rules

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Load standard library HTML templates from an http.Filesystem while adding inheritance using a special comment that indicates the template's parent.


First define your base template, e.g layout.html:

    <h1>Page {{block "page_title" .}}{{end}}</h1>
      {{block "page" .}}{{end}}

Then, write the template that extends it and add the specially crafted comment at the top:

{{/* extends "layout.html" */}}
{{block "page_title" .}}About{{end}}
{{block "page" .}}I load templates{{end}}

In you Go file, probably somewhere next to your web handler

fs := http.Dir(".") //provide access to the template files through the http.FileSystem interface.
l := loadtmpl.New(fs)
t, _ := l.Load("about.html") //load the template, its base template will automatically loaded

t, _ = l.Load("about.html") //second calls are retrieved from cache