
Go to Javascript es(5) compiling

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A proof-of-concept that shows that Go(lang) WASM can be turned into regular javascript that runs in IE11.

Check out the demo over here here. If you open the developer console in ie11, youll see the Go code do its work. In any other browser you can add an "#emscripten" hash and reload the page to force the use of the javascript version (instead of using wasm).

How it works

  • We compile the Go code to wasm: GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o main.wasm

  • We use the binaryen wasm2js tool to turn it into emscripten js: wasm2js --emscripten -O main.wasm -o hello_go.js

  • We add the following js: var go = new Go(); to the beginning of the output file

  • And at the end of that same file, add the following js:

        var asm = instantiate({
              runtime_resetMemoryDataView: go.importObject.go["runtime.resetMemoryDataView"],
              runtime_wasmExit: go.importObject.go["runtime.wasmExit"],
              runtime_wasmWrite: go.importObject.go["runtime.wasmWrite"],
              runtime_nanotime1: go.importObject.go["runtime.nanotime1"],
              runtime_walltime1: go.importObject.go["runtime.walltime1"],
              runtime_scheduleTimeoutEvent: go.importObject.go["runtime.scheduleTimeoutEvent"],
              runtime_clearTimeoutEvent: go.importObject.go["runtime.clearTimeoutEvent"],
              runtime_getRandomData: go.importObject.go["runtime.getRandomData"],
              syscall_js_finalizeRef: go.importObject.go["syscall/js.finalizeRef"],
              syscall_js_stringVal: go.importObject.go["syscall/js.stringVal"],
              syscall_js_valueGet: go.importObject.go["syscall/js.valueGet"],
              syscall_js_valueSet: go.importObject.go["syscall/js.valueSet"],
              syscall_js_valueIndex: go.importObject.go["syscall/js.valueIndex"],
              syscall_js_valueSetIndex: go.importObject.go["syscall/js.valueSetIndex"],
              syscall_js_valueCall: go.importObject.go["syscall/js.valueCall"],
              syscall_js_valueNew: go.importObject.go["syscall/js.valueNew"],
              syscall_js_valueLength: go.importObject.go["syscall/js.valueLength"],
              syscall_js_valuePrepareString: go.importObject.go["syscall/js.valuePrepareString"],
              syscall_js_valueLoadString: go.importObject.go["syscall/js.valueLoadString"],
              syscall_js_copyBytesToJS: go.importObject.go["syscall/js.copyBytesToJS"]
        }, {
              buffer: new ArrayBuffer(209715200)
                    run: asm.run,
                    mem: asm.mem,
                    resume: asm.resume,
                    getsp: asm.getsp
  • we use babel to turn the wasm_exec.js into a es5 compatible version: npx babel wasm_exec.js --out-file wasm_exec_es5.js

  • we conditionally load all required polyfills for ie11, and finally run the program:

    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <script type="text/javascript">
          // should target ie11 or below: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29987969/how-to-load-a-script-only-in-ie
          if(/MSIE \d|Trident.*rv:/.test(navigator.userAgent) || window.location.hash === "#emscripten") {
                if(window.msCrypto) {window.crypto = window.msCrypto;}
                document.write('<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/text-encoding@0.7.0/lib/encoding-indexes.js"><\/script>');
                document.write('<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/text-encoding@0.7.0/lib/encoding.min.js"><\/script>');
                document.write('<script src="https://unpkg.com/core-js-bundle@3.6.5/minified.js"><\/script>');
                document.write('<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/regenerator-runtime@0.13.7/runtime.min.js"><\/script>');
                document.write('<script src="wasm_exec_es5.min.js"><\/script>');
                document.write('<script src="hello_go_after.min.js"><\/script>');
          } else {
                window.wasmExecLoaded = function() {
                      const go = new Go();          
                      if (WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming) {
                            // chrome 
                            WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("main.wasm"), go.importObject).then(function(result) {
                      } else {
                            // safari
                            fetch('main.wasm').then(function(response) {
                                  return response.arrayBuffer()
                            }).then(function(bytes) {
                                  return WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes, go.importObject)
                            }).then(function(result) {
                                  return go.run(result.instance)
                document.write('<script onload="window.wasmExecLoaded()" src="wasm_exec.js" defer><\/script>');
    <title>Goes Demo</title>

Known Issues

  • This might break with further go version as the wasm_exec.js sometimes changes
  • The emscripten js files become very large: 17MB unminified and ungzipped
  • The text encoding/decoding doesn't seem to be 100%, unexpected symbols and whitespaces while printing exotic characters
  • On IE11 window.msCrypto is used, this may have security implications.
  • Expect a considerable slow down, i've only tested ie11 in a vm but it took 3-4 minutes to run a [Fib(40)](https://dave.cheney.net/2013/06/30/how-to-write-benchmarks-in-go) call while normally about 2s to run the same as regular wasm in a browser
  • The required memory allocated for the wasm byte array is currently hardcoded and very large (200MiB)


  • Enable minification on program js, esbuild will cause stack error on ie11
  • Enable minification wasm_exec
  • Figure out TextEncoder polyfill limitations, i.e print some utf8. - some weid things happen with the colon in "日本語:"
  • Run an extra large program: maybe compile the whole stdlib tests
  • Security implications of using ie11's msCrypto version
  • Fix textEncoder warning, probably just remove the 'utf-8' argument, it is implied by the standard?
  • Fix the google closure compiler warning with the plus sign
  • Fib(40) test takes 3m28 seconds in ie11 in vm Fib(40) takes 13s as emscripten js on safari Fib(40) takes 10s as emscripten js on chrome Fib(40) takes ~2s as wasm on safari Fib(40) takes ~4.6s as wasm on Chrome Fib(40) takes ~2s as wasm in Node (14) using go_js_wasm_exec Fib(40) Takes about 636ms natively
  • Find out how to calculate the memn for wasm file
  • Can force emscripten on Chrome / Safari by adding the #emscripten hash and reloading the demo