DMRTD is dart implementation of ICAO 9303 standard. Library provide APIs to send commands to and read data from MRTD.
- BAC session key establishment
- Reading all elementary files from MRTD e.g. EF.SOD, EF.DG1, EF.DG15 ...
Note: most of files can't be fully parsed yet - Executing
Active Authentication
on MRTD - Basic implementation of ICC ISO7816-4 smart card standard
- Implementation of ISO 9797 Algorithm 3 MAC and padding scheme
dmrtd.dart - public passport API
extensions.dart - exposes library's dart extensions
internal.dart - exposes internal components of the library such as MrtdApi, ICC and crypto
- Include
library in your project'spubspec.yaml
path: '<path_to_dmrtd_folder>'
- Run
flutter pub get
Note: See also example app
import 'package:dmrtd/dmrtd.dart';
try {
final nfc = NfcProvider();
await nfc.connect(iosAlertMessage: "Hold your iPhone near Passport");
final passport = Passport(nfc);
nfc.setIosAlertMessage("Reading EF.CardAccess ...");
final cardAccess = await passport.readEfCardAccess();
nfc.setIosAlertMessage("Initiating session ...");
final bacKeySeed = DBAKeys(passportNum, dateOfBirth, dateOfExpiry);
await passport.startSession(bacKeySeed);
nfc.setIosAlertMessage(formatProgressMsg("Reading EF.COM ...", 0));
final efcom = await passport.readEfCOM();
nfc.setIosAlertMessage(formatProgressMsg("Reading Data Groups ...", 20));
EfDG1 dg1;
if(efcom.dgTags.contains(EfDG1.TAG)) {
dg1 = await passport.readEfDG1();
EfDG2 dg2;
if(efcom.dgTags.contains(EfDG2.TAG)) {
dg2 = await passport.readEfDG2();
EfDG14 dg14;
if(efcom.dgTags.contains(EfDG14.TAG)) {
dg14 = await passport.readEfDG14();
EfDG15 dg15;
Uint8List sig;
if(efcom.dgTags.contains(EfDG15.TAG)) {
dg15 = await passport.readEfDG15();
nfc.setIosAlertMessage(formatProgressMsg("Doing AA ...", 60));
sig = await passport.activeAuthenticate(Uint8List(8));
nfc.setIosAlertMessage(formatProgressMsg("Reading EF.SOD ...", 80));
final sod = await passport.readEfSOD();
on Exception catch(e) {
final se = e.toString().toLowerCase();
String alertMsg = "An error has occurred while reading Passport!";
if(e is PassportError) {
if(se.contains("security status not satisfied")) {
alertMsg = "Failed to initiate session with passport.\nCheck input data!";
alertMsg = "Timeout while waiting for Passport tag";
else if(se.contains("tag was lost")){
alertMsg = "Tag was lost. Please try again!";
else if(se.contains("invalidated by user")){
alertMsg = "";
errorAlertMsg = alertMsg;
finally {
await _nfc.disconnect(iosErrorMessage: errorAlertMsg);
if(!Platform.isIOS) {
// Show error to the user
else {
await _nfc.disconnect(iosAlertMessage: formatProgressMsg("Finished", 100);