Object Recognition POC

A python application developed to demonstrate object recognition using pre-trained models from TensorFlow Model Zoo.



  1. Clone the repo and create a virtual environment using something like virtualenv.

  2. Install all dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Download these models and extract them
    SSD Inception V2
    SSD MobileNet V2
    Faster RCNN Inception V2

  4. The directory structure should look like

      ├── coco_labels.txt  
      ├── requirements.txt  
      ├── images  
      │   ├── car and pedestrian.jpg  
      │   ├── desk (1).jpeg  
      │   ├── desk.jpg  
      │   ├── furniture.jpg  
      │   ├── puppy.jpg  
      │   └── vehicles.jpg  
      ├── models  
      │   ├── faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28  
      │   │   └── frozen_inference_graph.pb  
      │   ├── ssd_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28  
      │   │   └── frozen_inference_graph.pb  
      │   └── ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco_2018_03_29  
      │       └── frozen_inference_graph.pb  
      └── src  
          ├── annotations.py  
          ├── gui.py  
          ├── main.py  
          └── object_detector.py  
  1. Run src/main.py

Tested only on Ubuntu 18.04, might not work on Windows.