
MapInsight Add on for Freeplane

MapInsight Freeplane Addon

by ADXSoft (Allan)

Freeplane Add-on for exploring maps and connecting ideas

Latest Version of the addon is here

Note. Freeplane 1.8.6 had bug which crashed MapInsight. Freeplane 1.8.7 has fixed the issue. Note 1.3,1.5 and 1.7 of Freeplane run MapInsight correctly.

To install this add-on

  • Click the green "Clone or Download" button above
  • download and unzip the zip file into a folder of your choice
  • From Freeplane 1.5.18 or higher open the 'MapInsight.addon.mm' file
  • When Freeplane opens the file it will ask if you want to install it
  • choose yes and the add-on will install
  • restart Freeplane after the installation for the add-on to take effect To run the addon go to View/MapInsight and choose 'MapInsight'


  • Missing add on file now in repository. Mar 28 2018.

  • bug fix made on Jul 3rd 2020 re note=wordwrap(note,,wrapafterchars,wrapcharacter).trim() should be note=wordwrap(note,wrapafterchars,wrapcharacter).trim() in the embedded groovy script of this addon

  • Aug 13 2020 MapInsight.addon.mm edited as follows to be compatible with Freeplane 1.8. Freeplane advised following change which appears to work.

    Replace <attribute NAME="menuTitleKey" VALUE="MapInsight"/> by <attribute NAME="menuTitleKey" VALUE="addons.MapInsight"/> in file MapInsight.addon.mm and its definition file MapInsight.mm