
This package is inspired by redux-observable. It provides a factory function to create redux middleware.

This package is written in Typescript and uses xstream instead of Rx ( redux-obserable ).

The main reason for choosing xstream over RxJS or Most.js is it's simplicity :

  • it targets UI use cases
  • is used in cycle js so lots of examples
  • hot obserables by default, removing lots of cause of errors. Moreover for many use cases you want hot observables anyway.

Note : this package does not have any dependencies. It has redux & xstream as peerDependencies with specific version number.


The api is pretty simple, it consists in one function :

import { createMiddleware } from "xstream-redux-obserable";

 * this middleware receives a stream of actions. For each action it returns a 
 * "noop" action.
 * It does not "transform" the original action but merely dispatches another
export const simpleMiddleware = createMiddleware(( action$ ) => {
    return action$.mapTo({ type: "noop" });

 * when the function passed as argument specifies more than one arg then it 
 * receives the MiddlewareAPI that redux passes to each middleware. In this
 * example for each action dispatched another is emitted with the current
 * observable state.
export const moreAdvancedMiddleware = createMiddleware(( action$, api ) => {

    return action$.mapTo({
        type: "currentState",
        data: api.getState()



*createMiddleware* :: Run -> Middleware

*Run* :: ( action$: Stream<Action> ) -> Stream<Action>
*Run* :: <S>( action$: Stream<Action>, api: MiddlewareAPI<S> ) -> Stream<Action>