
A Storybook like UI for Blazor components

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A Storybook like UI for hosting Blazor components


The BlazorBook nuget package needs to be added to your Blazor WASM/Server app and your Razor Class library project containing your individual stories.

Install-Package BlazorBook -ProjectName MyProject


In the startup of your Blazor WASM/Server app:

app.RegisterAllStories(Assembly.Load("<<Assembly name containing stories>>"));

  • In _Imports.razor

Add @using BlazorBook.Components

  • In App.razor

    1. Add <BlazorBook.Resources /> to the top
    2. Add an AdditionalAssemblies prop on the component as follows:
  AdditionalAssemblies="new[] { typeof(BlazorBook.UI).Assembly }"

The stories will be registered and the UI available on the path /blazorbook


Create a Razor Class Library to contain your stories. This should also have the BlazorBook nuget package as a dependency.

For example a story can be as follows:


@inherits BlazorBook.StoryComponent
@attribute [DisplayName("Story name")]

<div>Hello @(world)!</div>

@code {
    string world = "World!";