dotnet add package FrostSharp
Install-Package FrostSharp
// Your api key
string APIKey = "your api key here";
// Create a Frost configuration with all default values (should work for most people)
var Config = new Configuration();
// do we want all HTTP request logging to stdout (mostly useful for testing)
bool logging = false;
// Create the client we will use.
var client = new Frost(APIKey, Config, logging);
// Create a work (Work name, date created, date published, author name, work content)
WorkAttributes myWork = new WorkAttribute("Work Name", DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow, "Alec Chan", "This is the content of the work");
// Post the work onto the network (runs asynchronously)
string myWorkId = await client.CreateWork(myWork);
// Look up a work by work ID
WorkAttributes thisIsTheSameWorkWeJustPosted = await client.GetWork(myWorkId);
// Get all the works that your API key has posted
List<WorkAttributes> listOfWorks = await client.GetAllWorks();
Building library:
cd FrostSharp && dotnet build
Running tests:
cd FrostSharp.Tests && dotnet test
To contribute:
- Clone this repo
- Create an integration branch (e.g. -integration)
- Make changes
- Submit a pull request to pull changes into master