As a graphic design project, Wolf3D will enable you to solidify your skills in this area: windows, colors, events, fill shapes etc. To conclude Wolf3D is a remarkable playground to explore the playful practical applications of mathematics without having to understand the specifics. John Carmack is undoubtedly a genius. He was one of the first programmers to think about these applications and remains famous for them today. With the help of the numerous documents available on the internet, you will use mathematics as a tool to create elegant and efficient algorithms. There's multiple sounds effects and light shading so the game look realistic.
The SDL2 framework folder is already in this repo. But if it didn't work for you, you can install the SDL2 library in you machine.
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev
sudo dnf install SDL2-devel SDL2_mixer-devel SDL2_ttf-devel
All ready for use. Just type make.
Use make for compiling all files.
When you have already installed SDL2 library you can use this simple rules:
- make: Compile all.
- make clean: Delete temporary files.
- make fclean: Delete executable Wolf3D file & libft.
- make re: It's rules - make fclean & make in one.
[W | S]
: Moving forward | backward.[A | D]
: Rotate left | right.[ESC]
: Return to the menu page | Close Wolf3D.[Left SHIFT]
: Fire.[T]
: Night Mode.[M]
: Mute environment Sound.