
Node js framework - request routing & control flow via JSON

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Wireframe is a thin wrapper that routes your requests and processes them based on a JSON template. This framework minimizes code duplication and allows a flexible workflow that asynchronously processes a set of synchronous and asynchronous tasks (async & sync), upon completion, the results of the requests is avaiable for run synchronously through another set of tasks (merg).

			   /Task_1 ->\
		   /->| Task_2 -> |-----------\		         #merg
	   	  |	   \Task_3 ->/			   |   /                    \
Requests->|							   |->|Task_7->Task_8->Task_9|->Response
	  	  |	   /       #sync	    \  |   \                    /
			   \					/


Get package via npm

npm install wireframe


  1. Require the wireframe modules, 2) Load you workflow and process, 3) Instantiate wireframe and 4) Start doing stuff!
// main.js

var http = require('http');
var wireframe = require('wireframe'); //1. Load Module

var wf = require('./workflow.json'); //2.Load workflow
var pkgs = {
	'proc': require('./process'), //2.Load process
	'merg': require('./merg'), //2.Load process
	'e': require('./error') //2.Load process

var api = new wireframe(wf, pkgs); // 3. Instantiate Wireframe

var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {

	api.run(req, function(err, data) { // 4. Starting doing stuff!
		// Do something
		console.log('error:' + err);
		console.log('data :' + JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2));

server.listen(8080, 'localhost');

The process can be written in any number of modules and 'require()' in the main file. The request parameter will point to the http request object. Wireframe is based on the async library and uses "serial" and "parallel".

// process.js

module.exports = function(request) {
	var d = 1;
	var start = new Date();

	this.one = function(callback) {
		// Do stuff...
		var now = new Date();
		var a = {
			num: d + 1,
			time: now.getTime() - start.getTime()

		setTimeout(function() {
			callback(false, a);
		}, 1000);

	this.two = function(callback) {
		// Do stuff...
		var now = new Date();
		var a = {
			num: d + 2,
			time: now.getTime() - start.getTime()

		setTimeout(function() {
			callback(false, a);
		}, 100);

	// ... more see test

// merg.js

module.exports = function(request,data) {

	this.one = function(callback) {
		// Do stuff...
		var now = new Date();
		var a = {
			num: data.sync.proc_one.num + 1,
			time: now.getTime() - start.getTime()

		setTimeout(function() {
			callback(false, a);
		}, 100);

	this.two = function(callback) {
		// Do stuff...
		var now = new Date();
		var a = {
			num: data.sync.proc_two.num + 2,
			time: now.getTime() - start.getTime()

		setTimeout(function() {
			callback(false, a);
		}, 200);

	// ... more see test

// error.js

module.exports = function(request) {
	this.wrongURL = function(callback) {
		// Do stuff...
		callback(true, request.url + " : Wrong URL is not supported!");

	this.wrongMethod = function(callback) {
		// Do stuff...
		callback(true, request.method + " : is not supported!");

	// ... more see test

The workflow template is defined as Http Methods -> URL -> fork( sync(tasks) , async(tasks) ) -> merg( tasks ).

// workflow.json
  "GET": {
    "/api/stats": {
      "sync": [
      "async": [
      "merg": [
    "*": {
      "sync": [
  "*": {
    "*": {
      "async": [


The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Aryan Eftekhari