
A fork for Poirot-Supplementary-Material

Primary LanguageOCaml

PLDI 23 Supplementary Material


The Coq formalization of our core language and its soundness theorem are included in the "proof" subdirectory.


  • Details about the 14 benchmarks used in our evaluation are given in individual folders with the same name as the benchmark; these folders are all located under "benchmarks". Each benchmark has a file prog.ml that presents the source code of the input test generator and a file ty.ml that defines the coverage type coverage type we want to check the generator implementation against and the coverage types of various library functions (notated with [@library]) used by the implementation. For example, there are three coverage types in RedBlackTree\ty.ml: two types that have name int_gen and bool_gen which are the types of primitive generators used by the implementation, and one type named rbtree_gen which is the type we want to check with the rbtree_gen program in RedBlackTree\prog.ml.

  • The directory synthesizer_input contains the input specification files for the 5 benchmarks for which we synthesized generators (shown in Figure 9). For E.g. the file synthesizer_input\sizedBST.spec is passed to the synthesizer as input.

  • The outputs generated by the synthesizer (containing multiple generators) are present in the formatted directories _synth_<benchmark_name>\prog.ml. E.g. the file \benchmarks\_synth_sizedbst\prog.ml contains the output of running the synthesizer on the file synthesizer_input\sizedBST.spec