
Plotly Dash app to interact with ESP32+GPS-RTK2 rover

Primary LanguagePython

Dash app for ESP32-GPSRTK2 rover

Dev get started (VScode)

Local Dash app setup

  1. right click on project root folder > select open in terminal
  2. python -m venv .venv to setup python virtual environment for this project. TIP: copy from here and right click in terminal to paste-and-execute.
  3. Dialog should come up asking you want this env as interpreter for project: answer yes.
  4. If no to (3) on blue ribbon at bottom of VSCODE, on left click on interpreter, chose the venv one you just created.
  5. Might get some bits and both e.g. 'install pylint' etc. click install for them.
  6. pip install -r requirements.txt to install packages
  7. pip install -e . to make editable
  8. Run ./dash_app/index.py to run with dev server. (Running ./production.py runs using gunicorn in production environment)

Dependancies/ packages

Use pip-chill to freeze requirements file, rather than pip freeze and delete dash_app line that's created.

pip-chill > requirements.txt

Mosquitto MQTT broker server

MQTT messaging used to communicate between Dash app and the rover (on same wifi network). You need to install Mosquitto to act as a broker (separate process to Dash app server). I have developed on Windows machine, so instructions need to be adjusted for Linux:

  1. Could not Mosquitto v2 working with Websockets MQTT (which Dash app uses), so using v1.6.9 (d/l here). Installed in standard location at c:\program files\mosquitto
  2. Running start_broker.bat from cmd line in VSCode will start broker, using mosquitto.conf config file included. Alternatively use runme.py to start broker and dash app.
  1. You'll need to modify config.toml,start_broker.bat and/or mosquitto.conf if anything changed, eg:
  • (Websockets) ports need to match. Default port set to 8083.
  • Install location for Mosquitto not as above default.
  • You may need to fiddle with Firewall/ Anti-virus software to permit connections.

Configuration file ('config.toml')

Config file for Dash app (based on my WIP template). Self explanatory, mostly.