
"Rock, paper, scissors" game with responsive design.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This responsive game is a classic rock, paper, scissors game that is built with JavaScript. The game features intuitive controls, allowing player to easily select their desired hand gesture. The game will play a best of 5 rounds and keeps track of the score. If one of the players reaches 3 wins, the game will end and the final winner will be announced. Live Demo

There's also another branch which has console-based version of the game built with JavaScript which was before I learnt DOM. The game is played by typing the desired hand gesture into the browser console and the computer will randomly select its own gesture.
It also includes user input validation and displays the choices of both the player and the computer at each round along with the round result. There is a 5 second delay upon opening the index.html, so that user has time to open console.