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🔲First Laboratory work:

  • First task:


    Here we need to create a space.

    For example : two-dimensional array, List(Vector2) or struct with two double or float points.

    How to use my work as an example:

    • Choose first task in main menu.
    • Input from keyboard number of points in your space.
  • Second task:


    Here you need to create a feature space, calculate the points inside it, merge neighboring points into one class/set

    The next task is to calculate the intraset distance.

    Explanation: we multiply each point of set A to all other points of set A (the same set).

    Next, we are calculating distance between the sets, this is the same, but we multiply each point of the set A by each point of the set B.

    Use all formulas from here: Интеллектуальный анализ данных - 1.pptx

    How to use my work as an example:

    • Choose second task in main menu.
    • Inject number of classes.
  • Third task:


    You need to create space, fill it with x and y axis, calculate the Eulidean distance between all points and choose those that are closest

    How to use my work as an example:

    • Choose third task in main menu.
    • Input number of neighbors you want to find.
    • Input from keyboard number of points in your space.
    • Choose any point from the proposed.

🔲Second Laboratory work:

  • Main task:


    Select a multispectral image from open sources. The number of image channels must be at least 3.

    Set manually the classes of areas (objects) in the image (at least 3).

    Classify the image points using the Euclidean-Mahalanobis metric.