
Philosopher: Mastering Threads, Memory, and More with Multitasking

Embark on a philosophical journey of learning about threads, concurrency, and memory safety through the classic Dining Philosophers problem!

This project, built for the 42 network, challenges you to simulate a group of philosophers sharing forks and spaghetti (metaphorically speaking, of course) while practicing:

Multithreading mastery:

Gain hands-on experience with threads and multitasking concepts.

Implement synchronization mechanisms like mutexes and semaphores to resolve deadlocks and data races.

Learn how to safely access shared memory without compromising data integrity.

Beyond basics:

Explore advanced concepts like process creation and management.

Delve into the depths of race conditions, deadlocks, and livelocks.

Understand the practical implications of concurrency through real-world scenarios.

Project Highlights:

Interactive learning: Experiment with different solutions and observe their consequences.

Deep understanding: Go beyond textbook definitions and apply concepts to a practical problem.

Valuable skills: Acquire essential knowledge for modern software development.


Explore additional challenges in the "philo_bonus.png" section to push your boundaries.

Visualize and understand problem complexities using the provided diagrams ("philo_mandatarory.png").

Contribute to the project's growth by sharing your solutions and experiences.

Engage with the community to discuss challenges and best practices.


This project is designed for educational purposes and adheres to the 42 network guidelines.

Be open to exploring and learning beyond the prescribed instructions