
Boilerplate setup for App Engine. Includes html5-boilerplate, OpenID, memcache, user preferences, and more

Primary LanguageJavaScript

AppEngine boilerplate with several out of the box goodies:

You can see the boilerplate live here.

This project is freely available under the [BSD license] 1, all code included is also covered by the BSD. You can do with it whatever you want!

OpenID Integration

User authentication with OpenID works out of the box, including a nice user interface with the [openid-selector] 1 jQuery plugin (also used by [stackoverflow] 2).

Alt text

More infos about appengine and openid:


[html5 boilerplate] 1 is a great base setup and toolkit for the frontend part of the project, including a build script which minifies and compresses html, css, javascript and images. The only modification to the standard html5-boilerplate is adding a few blocks to /static_dev/index.html: {% block header|main|scripts|footer %}

html5-boilerplate is located in /static_dev, and it's build script outputs an optimized copy to /static_dev/publish.

During development, /static is a symlink to /static_dev, in order to not having to rebuild for testing every change. Before publishing the project, run the html5-boilerplate build script and change the reference of /static to /static_dev/publish, to upload the optimized version. The upload_to_appengine.sh script does that automatically for you (edit the script and set CMD_APPCFG to your local installation before using):

  • Asks if it should run the build process with ant minify
  • Changes the /static symlink to the production version
  • Waits for you to test and confirm
  • Uploads the app to appengine
  • Reverts /static to the development environment

You just need to do this:


This would be the manual steps:

# go into html5-boilerplate's build directory    
$ cd static_dev/build 

# run ant, which compiles an optimized version into static_dev/publish
$ ant minify

# go back into the main directory
$ cd ../../

# change reference of /static symlink to optimized version
$ rm static
$ ln -s static_dev/publish static

# Test the optimized version
# Publish to web with appcfg.py

# After publishing you can change back to static_dev
$ rm static
$ ln -s static_dev static