
ASP.NET Redis Output Cache Provider

Primary LanguagePowerShell


ASP.NET Output Cache Providers

Simple Usage

Just use standard system.web/caching/outputCache config section.

      <outputCache defaultProvider="RedisOutputCachingProvider">
          <clear />
          <add name="RedisOutputCachingProvider" type="AspNet.Caching.Output.Providers.RedisOutputCachingProvider, AspNet.Caching.Output"
              host="localhost" port="6379" />


First we planned to use protobuf-net for de/serialization, since protobuf-net relies on strongly-typed objects and System.Web.Caching objects are internal, we needed to go with BinaryFormatter.

Here is the Microsoft Connect link.

We're on it!

Serialization benchmarks

Public servicestack benchmarks