#Cub3D: This project is a 3D game created from scratch written in C using an old graphic library mini-libx, presented with an old technology raycasting to make the 3D feeling looks pretty good
- 3LVCKGH0ST1337
- 5EGFAULT1337 BG Future is loading / UM6P / 42 Network
- aaitbelh@1337,bg
- ablaamimNULL
- adiouaneecole-1337
- ael-bekk@Gamedevclub-1337
- ahmedezzaouia
- alaajiliBen Guerir, Morocco.
- AlcheemiistPhoenix Edtech Services
- ashraafdevAgadir, Morocco
- ayoubak141Morocco
- ayoubelhioui1337 Student
- benlyazidMorocco
- BrMohammed1337 school
- e-zaki
- eschirniUnit 6
- essahuit
- haitamgrissen
- hakamdev
- mbani01Rollee
- medilyas1337
- Mounadi05
- oidrissi
- omanar42@1337FIL & @42born2code
- otmanewahdaniMorocco
- peacover
- Peannut1337
- resalhi
- SoukainaSabbajiMorocco
- TN19NMorocco
- waelbt
- walidbtz7@Prestigia
- YahyaOukhartaCasablanca, Morocco
- yasserare
- YassineEddyb1337
- ytijaniMorocco