
Simple library built over Photon Networking to ease creating bots for AoTTG game by Feng Lee

Primary LanguageC#


Simple tiny library to ease creating "bots" for indie game AoTTG by Feng Lee

Basically, this library is just a layer built on Photon Network C# libraries to simlify interations for specified game.

Usage example

using System;
using AottgBotLib;
using AottgBotLib.Handlers;
using Photon.Realtime;

class Program
    public static void Main(String[] args)

        var client = new BotClient("BotName"); //Creating client
        client.Region = PhotonRegion.Europe; //Set region

        //Adding Chat support
        client.RPCHandler.AddChatCallback((id, sender, content) =>
            sender = sender.RemoveAll(); //Removes all color codes
            content = content.RemoveAll(); //Removes all color codes
            Console.WriteLine($"[{id}] {sender}: {content}");

        await client.ConnectToMasterAsync(); //Connecting to region
        RoomInfo roomToGetInto = null;
        foreach (RoomInfo room in client.RoomList)
            if (room.Name.Contains("roomNameYouWantToJoin"))
                roomToGetInto = room;
        if(roomToGetInto == null)
        await client.JoinRoomAsync(roomToGetInto);
        //Voila. You have connected to room you want and now can read what happens there
        //Leaving this here to keep console open
            string line = Console.WriteLine();
            if(line == "exit") //Typing exit to close console
                //Otherwise, what you printed will be sent to all players in room


IDE with C# 8.0 support
.NET Core 3.1