
LitElement code transpiler (inline import css and scss file, transpiler decorators to native javascript)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Coverage Status Build Status npm version License: MIT


LitElement code transpiler (import css and scss file and inline to your component also transpile decorators to native javascript)

Getting Started

git clone https://github.com/aelbore/lit-element-transpiler.git
npm install


  npm install --save-dev lit-element-transpiler


  • Code

      import * as mockfs from 'mock-fs'
      import * as fs from 'fs'
      import { transform } from 'lit-element-transpiler'
        './src/hello-world.ts': `
          import { LitElement, html, customElement, property } from 'lit-element'
          import './hello-world.css'
          class HelloWorld extends LitElement { 
            @property() message
          h1 {
            color: red
      const content = await fs.promises.readFile('./src/hello-world.ts', 'utf-8')
      const { code, map } = await transform('./src/hello-world.ts', content)
  • Output

      import { LitElement, css } from 'lit-element'
      class HelloWorld extends LitElement { 
        static get properties() {
          return {
            message: { type: String }
        static get styles() {
          return css `
            h1 { color: red }
      customElements.define('hello-world', HelloWorld)