- 0xfeeddeadbeef@TBCBank
- amaitlandAustralia
- andulvOmnishop AS
- AreebaAroosh
- awooo-ph
- birbilisZoomicon
- charlesmz
- danch15
- danielkornevSentius
- daviddelahozDominican Republic
- delasourceSwitzerland
- dylanflesch
- emelhueMeL Bt.
- feelgo
- filippobottega
- fredericoregateiro
- intelso
- kimdaebong
- Lakritzator@greenshot @dapplo
- markterluun
- moonbaseDelta
- neittien0110School of Information and Communication Technology, Ha Noi University of Science and Technology
- PerditionC
- pikoslav
- pjmagee@LexisNexis-RBA
- ray-z
- RoyLaiYi
- Shkyrockett
- SHWotever
- soltysIntive
- tmccowanHarrisburg, NC
- Tyf0x
- xghe
- yanelFrance - China
- yasser-elsayed
- zer0gayMisanthropic Ventures, LLC