
An R pkg to retrieve data from the CDRC APIs

Primary LanguageR


cdrcR is an R wrapper to access the CDRC APIs endpoints and retrieve CDRC data programmatically. The package is designed to have one main function -- getCDRC -- which allows users to get data from all CDRC APIs endpoints. A list of the datasets that can be accessed through these enpoints and their metadata is obtained by running listCDRC(). Such list will also provide users with a dataset identifier --the dataCode-- which will address the data request to the correct endpoint. Run ?getCDRC() to access the function full documentation.


You can install cdrcR from CRAN running:


You can install the development version of cdrcR from Github using devtools running:

# install.packages("devtools")

Register to the CDRC

To use the CDRC APIs you need to register to the CDRC HERE


Load the library.


Log-in with the username and password that you used when registered to the CDRC.


Then you can list the datasets available and the relative dataCode which identifies the API endpoint.


which will result in a data frame like the following extract:

Title DataCode dataSetURL GeographicalCoverage GeographyLevel
Access to Healthy Assets & Hazards (AHAH) 2019 AHAHInputs, AHAHOverallIndexDomain https://data.cdrc.ac.uk/dataset/access-healthy-assets-hazards-ahah GreatBritain LSOA
Classification of Workplace Zones (COWZ) 2011 COWZUK2011 https://data.cdrc.ac.uk/dataset/classification-workplace-zones-cowz UnitedKingdom WZ
Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2019 IMD2019 https://data.cdrc.ac.uk/dataset/index-multiple-deprivation-imd UnitedKingdom LSOA
Internet User Classification (IUC) 2018 IUC2018 https://data.cdrc.ac.uk/dataset/internet-user-classification GreatBritain LSOA

Pick the DataCode relative to the dataset you want to retrieve data about and use it as input for the dataCode parameter in getCDRC (run ?getCDRC() to see the detailed documentation).

Be aware that the API endpoints enable query for the following geographies: postcodes, LSOAs, MSOAs, LAD codes and LAD names. Not all data are originally developed at these geography levels (you can find the original geography level for each dataset) with listCDRC()), therefore the areas that better overlap your required geography will be returned.


  1. Get the overall Access to Healthy Assets & Hazards (AHAH) index for the following postcodes: L13AY,L82TJ,L83UL For the Access to Healthy Assets & Hazards (AHAH) index you can chose to get either the individual inputs (via AHAHInputs) or the overall domain index (via AHAHOverallIndexDomain). In this example we are interested in the overall index to rank the postcodes above by their level of access to healthy assets and hazards. Please note that while the request is for postcodes the data is at LSOA level, therefore the LSOAs that better overlap the requested postcodes will be returned.


###check dataCode


###get the AHAH index for  postcodes L13AY,L82TJ,L83UL

ahah<-getCDRC("AHAHOverallIndexDomain",geography = "postcode", geographyCode = c("L13AY","L82TJ","L83UL"))

###rank postcodes by AHAH index from best to worst performing


#  postCode     ahah
#3   L8 3UL 20.01734
#2   L8 2TJ 23.04482
#1   L1 3AY 45.91745

  1. Get the Internet User Classification across Liverpool having the LSOA codes and map it.


###check dataCode


###get Liverpool LSOAs


###get IUC data with geographical boundaries

iuc<-getCDRC("IUC2018",geography = "LSOA", geographyCode = liverpool$LSOA11CD, boundaries = TRUE)

###map iuc

geom_sf(aes(fill=grpLabel, group=grpLabel),iuc,show.legend = T,color="NA")+
labs(fill="IUC groups")

  1. Get the Index of Multiple Deprivation of Sheffield and Leeds Local Authority Districts.


###check dataCode


###get the IMD data for Sheffield

imd<-getCDRC("IMD2019",geography = "LADname", geographyCode = c("Sheffield","Leeds"))