
A Medium clone where users can create, react and comments articles

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A Medium clone where users can share & comment their articles

The setup

The application is composed of:

  • Authentication microservice (/auth folder): responsible for login, signup & checking the validity of connection tokens
  • Articles microservice (/articles folder): reponsible for managing articles & comments
  • Frontend application (/client folder): represents the application that'll run on the user's browser

to launch the different parts of this application, follow the commands bellow:

  • Authentication microservice (/auth folder)
npm run dev
  • Articles microservice (/articles folder)
npm run dev
  • Frontent application (/client folder)
ng serve

The overall aerchitecture of the application

The architecture of the application will be explained in the figure below:

architecture (1)

The Auth API

The Authentication microservice handles login, signup and token validation.
Once the client connects to the application, he have to Login/Signup to create his account and to receive consequently an authentification token (created by the library JWT).
The client will use this token to communicate with the Articles API to create articles and comments.

The Articles API

The Articles microservice manages articles and comments in a CRUD manner.
A request to this API must be accompanied with a connection token, otherwise the communication is unauthorized. This is done to prevent an outsider to mess with our databse.
Once it recieves a token, the Articles API communicated with the Auth API to validate it. We could've handeled the token validation in the Articles API but since the token is created by the Auth API with a secret key, we wanted to keep the management of the tokens localy in this API.

The Client Application

The client interface offers:

  • Login & Signup pages

  • Dashboard page where are listed all the articles with a comments box

  • My articles page where are listed all the articles of the authentified user

  • Create page where the authentified user can create a new article

The APIs

Two APIs were implemented for this projet: Authentication microservice and Articles microservice. Both APIs were implemented using Express.js.
We wanted in this project to explore two ways of handling database connection. The Auth API uses the ORM Sequelize whereas the Articles API uses SQL queries coupled with a mysql driver

The APIs have the same architecture, which will be explained in the figure below:


The index.js listens for request on an HTTP port. Once a request is recieved, it's channeled to a specific controller to be handled. The channeling or routing is achieved using Express routing handled by the routes files.
The controllers handled the logic side and then send a response to client when the processing is completed. For any communication with the database, the controllers use the repositories. In this manner, we implemented the repository pattern to separate logic from database access.

The client application

The client interface was implemented with Angular. The architecture is as follows:


The App Module contains three sub-modules: Auth, Dashboard and Landing. Each sub-modules is responsible for a set of interfaces representing a different part of the application. In this manner, our frontend application will stay lean, modular and organised. Besided, we will be able to take advantage of lazy loading for more performance once our application scales.

Future features

Given the very limited time of the project, we weren't able to implement additional features as:

  • Search by keyword & tag
  • Reactions

However, we believe that the architecture of our project is solid enough to support any additional feature in the same way that the already developed features were integrated. Actually, our goal of this project is to explore system design and design patterns to try to come up with the most lean architecture possible.

For any comments and/or suggestions, contact me at achrafelkhamsi@gmail.com