
React/Redux app to help people recycle more things and reduce waste

Primary LanguageRuby

Single-use Planet

Single-use Planet is a waste diversion app created with React/Redux that helps people reuse and recycle.


Clone this repository and then execute:

$ cd single-use-planet-api

Start the backend server with the command:

$ rails server

In another terminal:

$ cd single-use-planet-client

Start the frontend with the command:

$ npm start

It will ask you if you would like to use a different port because localhost:3000 is already in use (by the backend). Type 'Y' to answer yes.

Then open page in browser according to web address displayed in terminal (ex. https://localhost:3001).

You can manage the database with the application Rested and manage all of the items at http://localhost:3000/api/items.


Browse and search for common household items to find alternative uses for them and learn how to recycle them so they don't end up in landfills.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/aellonk/single-use-planet-project.


This app is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.