
basic websocket support for fastify

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


CI NPM version Known Vulnerabilities js-standard-style

WebSocket support for Fastify. Built upon ws@8.


npm install fastify-websocket --save
# or 
yarn add fastify-websocket

If you're a TypeScript user, this package has its own TypeScript types built in, but you will also need to install the types for the ws package:

npm install @types/ws --save-dev
# or
yarn add -D @types/ws


After registering this plugin, you can choose on which routes the WS server will respond. This can be achieved by adding websocket: true property to routeOptions on a fastify's .get route. In this case two arguments will be passed to the handler, the socket connection, and the fastify request object:

'use strict'

const fastify = require('fastify')()

fastify.get('/', { websocket: true }, (connection /* SocketStream */, req /* FastifyRequest */) => {
  connection.socket.on('message', message => {
    // message.toString() === 'hi from client'
    connection.socket.send('hi from server')

fastify.listen(3000, err => {
  if (err) {

In this case, it will respond with a 404 error on every unregistered route, closing the incoming upgrade connection requests.

However, you can still define a wildcard route, that will be used as default handler:

'use strict'

const fastify = require('fastify')()

fastify.register(require('fastify-websocket'), {
  options: { maxPayload: 1048576 }

fastify.get('/*', { websocket: true }, (connection /* SocketStream */, req /* FastifyRequest */) => {
  connection.socket.on('message', message => {
    // message.toString() === 'hi from client'
    connection.socket.send('hi from wildcard route')

fastify.get('/', { websocket: true }, (connection /* SocketStream */, req /* FastifyRequest */) => {
  connection.socket.on('message', message => {
    // message.toString() === 'hi from client'
    connection.socket.send('hi from server')

fastify.listen(3000, err => {
  if (err) {

Attaching event handlers

It is important that websocket route handlers attach event handlers synchronously during handler execution to avoid accidentally dropping messages. If you want to do any async work in your websocket handler, say to authenticate a user or load data from a datastore, ensure you attach any on('message') handlers before you trigger this async work. Otherwise, messages might arrive whilst this async work is underway, and if there is no handler listening for this data it will be silently dropped.

Here is an example of how to attach message handlers synchronously while still accessing asynchronous resources. We store a promise for the async thing in a local variable, attach the message handler synchronously, and then make the message handler itself asynchronous to grab the async data and do some processing:

fastify.get('/*', { websocket: true }, (connection, request) => {
  const sessionPromise = request.getSession() // example async session getter, called synchronously to return a promise

  connection.socket.on('message', async (message) => {
    const session = await sessionPromise()
    // do something with the message and session

Using hooks

Routes registered with fastify-websocket respect the Fastify plugin encapsulation contexts, and so will run any hooks that have been registered. This means the same route hooks you might use for authentication or error handling of plain old HTTP handlers will apply to websocket handlers as well.

fastify.addHook('preValidation', async (request, reply) => {
  // check if the request is authenticated
  if (!request.isAuthenticated()) {
    await reply.code(401).send("not authenticated");
fastify.get('/', { websocket: true }, (connection, req) => {
  // the connection will only be opened for authenticated incoming requests
  connection.socket.on('message', message => {
    // ...

NB This plugin uses the same router as the fastify instance, this has a few implications to take into account:

  • Websocket route handlers follow the usual fastify request lifecycle, which means hooks, error handlers, and decorators all work the same way as other route handlers.
  • You can access the fastify server via this in your handlers
  • When using fastify-websocket, it needs to be registered before all routes in order to be able to intercept websocket connections to existing routes and close the connection on non-websocket routes.
'use strict'

const fastify = require('fastify')()


fastify.get('/', { websocket: true }, function wsHandler (connection, req) {
  // bound to fastify server

  connection.socket.on('message', message => {
    // message.toString() === 'hi from client'
    connection.socket.send('hi from server')

fastify.listen(3000, err => {
  if (err) {

If you need to handle both HTTP requests and incoming socket connections on the same route, you can still do it using the full declaration syntax, adding a wsHandler property.

'use strict'

const fastify = require('fastify')()

function handle (conn, req) {
  conn.pipe(conn) // creates an echo server

fastify.register(require('fastify-websocket'), {
  options: { maxPayload: 1048576 }

  method: 'GET',
  url: '/hello',
  handler: (req, reply) => {
    // this will handle http requests
    reply.send({ hello: 'world' })
  wsHandler: (conn, req) => {
    // this will handle websockets connections
    conn.write('hello client')

    conn.once('data', chunk => {

fastify.listen(3000, err => {
  if (err) {

Custom error handler:

You can optionally provide a custom errorHandler that will be used to handle any cleaning up:

'use strict'

const fastify = require('fastify')()

fastify.register(require('fastify-websocket'), {
  errorHandler: function (error, conn /* SocketStream */, req /* FastifyRequest */, reply /* FastifyReply */) {
    // Do stuff
    // destroy/close connection
  options: {
    maxPayload: 1048576, // we set the maximum allowed messages size to 1 MiB (1024 bytes * 1024 bytes)
    verifyClient: function (info, next) {
      if (info.req.headers['x-fastify-header'] !== 'fastify is awesome !') {
        return next(false) // the connection is not allowed
      next(true) // the connection is allowed

fastify.get('/', { websocket: true }, (connection /* SocketStream */, req /* FastifyRequest */) => {
  connection.socket.on('message', message => {
    // message.toString() === 'hi from client'
    connection.socket.send('hi from server')

fastify.listen(3000, err => {
  if (err) {


fastify-websocket accept these options for ws :

  • host - The hostname where to bind the server.
  • port - The port where to bind the server.
  • backlog - The maximum length of the queue of pending connections.
  • server - A pre-created Node.js HTTP/S server.
  • verifyClient - A function which can be used to validate incoming connections.
  • handleProtocols - A function which can be used to handle the WebSocket subprotocols.
  • clientTracking - Specifies whether or not to track clients.
  • perMessageDeflate - Enable/disable permessage-deflate.
  • maxPayload - The maximum allowed message size in bytes.

For more information, you can check ws options documentation.

NB By default if you do not provide a server option fastify-websocket will bind your websocket server instance to the scoped fastify instance.

NB The path option from ws should not be provided since the routing is handled by fastify itself

NB The noServer option from ws should not be provided since the point of fastify-websocket is to listen on the fastify server. If you want a custom server, you can use the server option, and if you want more control, you can use the ws library directly

You can also pass the following as connectionOptions for createWebSocketStream.

  • allowHalfOpen If set to false, then the stream will automatically end the writable side when the readable side ends. Default: true.
  • readable Sets whether the Duplex should be readable. Default: true.
  • writable Sets whether the Duplex should be writable. Default: true.
  • readableObjectMode Sets objectMode for readable side of the stream. Has no effect if objectMode is true. Default: false.
  • readableHighWaterMark Sets highWaterMark for the readable side of the stream.
  • writableHighWaterMark Sets highWaterMark for the writable side of the stream.

ws does not allow you to set objectMode or writableObjectMode to true


This project is kindly sponsored by nearForm.


Licensed under MIT.