
Bookstore BACK-END: JavaScript, Prisma, Node.js, MySQL, Error handling, Authentication, Routes, Api, CRUD method

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Made with:Windows, Visual Studio Code

Computer language: JavaScript, Node.JS, Prisma, MySQL

Logic: Routes, Middleware, Errorhandling

Security Authentication: Normal level with username and password / login and token

Set up: npm install, npm run dev

This was my first Back-end project at the WincAcademy what was real educational and fun!

special was the learning of enum ItemType in my prisma.schema file to be able to create the record in the database:

enum ItemType { BOOK RECORD }

Be aware of the right code:

curl --request POST
--url https://dev-1s8fgraw4evcfthb.eu.auth0.com/oauth/token
--header "content-type: application/json"
--data '{"client_id":"CkBH7CFaQmUuku3xbQOgyi2WN0gO3fmo","client_secret":"1OqvZgUTVe4nIbEg-AIjEa6nwuLMcFXHirjaJTVoQQTKl0hPoVw47qA7fvdTHObv","audience":"https://book-store-api","grant_type":"client_credentials"}' \ --ssl-no-revoke .




Thanks and credits to WincAcademy in Amsterdam, The Netherlands!