
Primary LanguageRust


This poorly-named operating system is a personal attempt at building a functioning kernel on my own.

markon_os will be a custom-built *nix-like bootable kernel. It will almost certainly have bugs and problems, and definitely will use code from places that have licenses that prevent its code from being used in commercial products. It's a kernel built by a single person whose career in computing for the last 5 years has almost exclusively involved JavaScript. Basically what I'm saying is for the love of all that is holy, if you somehow thought it might be a good idea to use this on a production server - don't. Don't use it as inspiration for a kernel that will eventually be used on a production server. Unless you're using this to also teach yourself about kernel development, treat everything in this project as toxic waste.

With that out of the way, please feel free to explore the code! I'm hoping this project can serve as a good example of a fully-featured kernel built in Rust. Ideally, since it's built by someone who's just learning, it'll be more easily digestible than a system built to be productized. If you at all find this useful, let me know! My email is listed in this project's config files (and probably lots of other places on the Internet) and I'd love to know that this project was somehow useful to someone somewhere.