
My second attempt at building a personal portfolio

Primary LanguageCSS

Example Jekyll Scaffold



  1. Mac Command Line Tools xcode-select --install
  2. Install Homebrew /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  3. Install nvm using Homebrew brew install nvm
  4. Install Yarn brew install yarn
  5. Install Jekyll gem install jekyll
  6. Install Gulp npm install -g gulp-cli

Setting up the project

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Get the right node version nvm use
  3. Install all dev dependencies yarn
  4. Build all of the assets gulp build
  5. Open a locally hosted copy of the files in your browser gulp serve


  • Use gulp to build your files and watch your source files to have them be built automatically
  • Files are being served from the _site folder

Code Structure

  • _data - yaml files containing data
  • _includes - HTML partials for each section
  • _layouts - holds page layouts
    • base.html - main skeleton for site
  • _scripts - JavaScript for the site
    • modules - module JavaScript files
    • vendor - vendor JavaScript files
    • main.js - entry point for the JavaScript modules
  • _scss - styles
    • partials - scss partials for each section
    • main.scss - general styles, each partial gets imported in this file
  • _site - built static site
  • fonts - font files
  • gulp- gulp task files which are injected into the gulpfile
  • img - images
  • .editorconfig - sets coding styles for IDEs
  • .nvmrc - indicates node version
  • _config.yml - general info for the site
  • .gitignore - specifies git ignores
  • gulpfile.js - entry point for build scripts
  • index.html - where HTML partials are imported (from _includes)
  • package.json - specifies npm dependencies
  • yarn.lock - specifies package versions for yarn