
A sandbox and mock server that automatically records mocks by a reverse proxy. It can be used as a API cache

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A sandbox (mock server), that allows the user to record the mocks from the APIs, avoiding the struggle of the creation of the mock data. It uses mongoDB to store such data, and also to manually add the mock in the following format.

  "url": "/get",
  "method": "GET",
  "headers": null,
  "body": null,
  "responseData": "can be plain text, or a json object",
  "responseStatusCode": { "$numberInt": "200" },
  "timeStamp": { "$date": { "$numberLong": "1585741795795" } }


  • Run it as a server and/or locally.
  • Record the mocks automatically from a real request to the server.
  • Respond custom headers and HTTP errors.
  • Supports different sessions by changing the scheme name.



npm install green-tomato


Use it from nodejs, if you want to use it from a CLI (command line interface) I strongly suggest the following three libraries:

Import and example

var greenTomato = require('./green-tomato.js');

    useRecords: false,
    proxyHost: 'https://httpbin.org',
    port: 5000,
    mongoSchema: 'default',
    //searchIgnore: 'path/to/ignore/file',
    //logLevel: 'quiet',
    //delay: 0,
    //regexp: null,
    //filter: './command'


  • useRecords (Boolean): Used switch between modes. If true then green-tomato won't return nor request the proxy-host server, instead it will answer based on the current cache build. If false it will forward the request to the proxy-host server and store the answer in the cached database.

  • proxyHost (String): The target host to create the reverse proxy to.

  • searchIgnore (String): [only on useRecords mode] A JSON file that will include properties from it to ignore searching in the cache to be more flexible. So if you don't mind the ID of the body request from your cache, you would include the following.


      "body": {
        "id": "ignore"

    * you can also set to "optional" instead of "ignore" to peform two searches, one with the property and another without it. So if by searching with the optional property (ex. :type) no results are found, green-tomato will try another search without the optional property before returnig a server error (418).


      "body": {
        "id": "ignore",
        "type": "optional"
  • logLevel (String): Used to determine the amount of information to show in the console. From nothign ("quiet" or null) to only the errors in requests ("error") which can be the error from the server, those marked as error from the error filter or any search that didn't found any result. And finally the log lever can be ("verbose") logging all request and searches.

  • port (Number): Set the :port number to use for the reverse proxy server at localhost, by default it will use :5000

  • delay (Milliseconds): [only on useRecords mode] Set time in milliseconds to delay the answer from the cache mode, usefull to test timeouts.

  • mongoSchema (String): The collection to save the cache, used to save different scenarios. By default [default]

  • regexp (Object): [only on NOT useRecords mode] A regexp (javascript) to search and replace in the URL.

    • regexp.search (RegExp). The regular expresion to be passed to ULR.replace(regexp.serach, regexp.replace).
    • regexp.replace (String). The susbtitution string to be passed to ULR.replace(regexp.serach, regexp.replace).
  • filter (bin): [only on useRecords mode] A command that takes as an argument the response from the server, and if returns a successful exit code(0) it will store the response on the cache database. Example:

      // -------
        filter: './userIdFilter.js'
      // -------


    #!/usr/bin/env node
    var response = JSON.parse(process.argv[2]); // Parse the response as JSON with node ;)
    if (response.userId  === 5) {
      process.exit(0); // This will be included in the cache databases
    } else {
      process.exit(1); // This returns error, so green-tomato know that for the current request skip it from storing it.

Simple recipe commander, command line interface

  npm install green-tomato commander
  touch index.js

Edit the file index.js, and include:

  const Program = require('commander');
  const { GreenTomato } = require('green-tomato');

    .option('-f, --use-records', '')

  let greenTomato = new GreenTomato({
    useRecords: Program.useRecords,
    proxyHost: 'https://httpbin.org',
    logLevel: 'error',
    port: '5000',
    mongoSchema: 'default',
  $ node index.js # to start recording
  $ node index.js -f # to use records

Simple recipe webCli, web command line interface

  npm install green-tomato zd-webcli
  touch index.js

Edit the file index.js, and include:

  const webCLI = require('zd-webcli');
  const { GreenTomato } = require('green-tomato');

  let greenTomato = new GreenTomato({
    useRecords: false,
    port: 8090,
    logLevel: 'error',
    mongoSchema: 'default'
  webCLI.setPassword("1234"); //Set the password.
  webCLI.setPort(8080); //Set the port.

  webCLI.interpreter((command, args) => {
    switch(command) {
      case 'start':
      case 'restart':
      case 'stop':
  webCLI.start(); //Start! (Do at the very end!)
  $ node index.js

Then open a browser in http://localhost:8080