
This app will use the functional coding style for Backend and frontend .

Tech used in this


  • Maven
  • Kotlin
  • Arrow
  • SpringBoot


  • PostgresSql


  • Yarn
  • React
  • Typescript

How to run the backend ?

Build the app - maven clean install

Run the app - Run MainApplication.kt

Run as maven mvn spring-boot:run

How to run the frontend ?

Got to frontend folder cd frontend

Run yarn install

Start react app yarn start

Run the test(s) yarn run test

Build the app yarn build

Useful urls


Install postgres using brew brew install postgresql

Start postgres brew services start postgresql

Stop postgres brew services stop postgresql

Login to postgres psql postgres

Create user for our app CREATE ROLE fullStackDeveloper WITH LOGIN PASSWORD '<password from properties>';

Add createDb role ALTER ROLE fullStackDeveloper CREATEDB

Login using created role psql postgres -U fullstackdeveloper