
Track APRS devices in Traccar

Primary LanguagePython


This little Docker container will connect to APRS-IS over the internet and copy APRS position reports into device locations in a Traccar server.

How to

Clone this repo and then add this to your docker-compose.yml file:

    build: https://github.com/PhilRW/aprs2traccar.git
    container_name: aprs2traccar  # optional
      - "APRS_HOST=noam.aprs2.net"  # optional but recommended, defaults to rotate.aprs.net
      - "APRS_FILTER=b/FO0BAR*"  # optional, defaults to b/CALLSIGN
      - "TRACCAR_HOST=https://traccar.example.com"  # optional, defaults to http://traccar:8082
      - "LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG"  # optional, defaults to INFO
    restart: unless-stopped
  • CALLSIGN is your callsign and what you use to connect to APRS-IS.
  • APRS_HOST is the APRS-IS host to connect to.
  • APRS_FILTER is the filter for stations to track and send to Traccar.
  • TRACCAR_HOST is your Traccar server's URI/URL. If run in the same docker-compose stack, name your Traccar service traccar and omit this env var.

NOTE: You will want to create devices for each Callsign you intend to track in Traccar, it will not create them automatically for you.