
It is 10 Fast Fingers Game. Developed with pure Javascript to help you type ten fast fingers.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

10 Fast Finger App

This application was developed with pure Javascript to help you type 10 fast fingers. We fetch the data from the local JSON file and data is written to the screen using DOM. Level buttons, result field and head section where we write current level information are also written on the screen using DOM. Our current number of true at the current level are saved in Local Storage and written in the "number of true" in the result field. Local Storage is cleared when the page is refreshed and when we complete the current level.

How to run this project

If NPM is installed on your computer, follow these steps, otherwise install npm first, then follow the steps

*After downloading the project, enter the project directory from the terminal screen, and then type the following commands

npm install

npm run-script build

npm start

Then you can test the project at localhost: 8080