
A struct-based go CLI library

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Go Reference

Package cli makes it easy to create CLIs by defining options using struct tags.


package main

import (


type App struct {
	Excited  bool   `cli:"help='when true, use exclamation point'"`
	Greeting string `cli:"env=GREETING,help=the greeting to use"`
	Name     string `cli:"required,short=n,help=your name"`

func (app *App) Run() error {
	punctuation := "."
	if app.Excited {
		punctuation = "!"
	fmt.Printf("%s, %s%s\n", app.Greeting, app.Name, punctuation)
	return nil

func main() {
	cli.New("greet", &App{Greeting: "Hey"}).
$ greet --help
    greet [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                    show usage help
    --excited                     when true, use exclamation point
    --greeting <VALUE>  GREETING  the greeting to use  (default: Hey)
    -n, --name <VALUE>            your name  (required)

$ GREETING="Hello" greet -n world --excited
Hello, world!

Struct Tags

The parsing behavior for config fields can be controlled by adding a struct tag that cli understands. Command struct tags look like cli:"key1,key2=value,key3='blah'"; for example:

struct Example {
	Foo string `cli:"required,placeholder=quux,short=f,env=FOO,help='hello, world'"`
Tag Value Description
- No Ignore field (similar to encoding/json)
required No Error if the field is not set at least once
help Yes Custom help text
placeholder Yes Custom help text
name Yes Explicit flag name (by default names are derived from the struct field name)
short Yes Single character short name alias
env Yes Environment variable to use as a default value
repeatable No Allow flag to be specified many times (value must be a slice type, each flag will be appended)

Tags are parsed according to this ABNF:

tags = "cli:" DQUOTE *(tag ",") tag DQUOTE
tag = key [ "=" value ]
key = *<anything except "=">
value = *<anything except ","> / "'" *<anything except "'"> "'"

Field Types and Flag Parsing

Primitive types (e.g. int and string), and pointers to primitive types (e.g. *int and *string) are handled natively by cli. In the case of pointers, if the default value is a nil pointer, and a value is passed, cli will construct a new value of the inner type and set the struct field to be a pointer to the newly constructed value.

There is no special parsing for string fields, they are set directly from input.

The following primitives are parsed by fmt.Sscanf using the %v directive:

  • bool
  • int, int8, int16, int32, int64
  • uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64
  • float32, float64

Additionally, time.Duration fields are automatically parsed using time.ParseDuration.

All other types are parsed using the first method below that is implemented with the type itself or a pointer to the type as the receiver:

  • Set(s string) error (similar to flag.Value)
  • UnmarshalText(text []byte) error (encoding.TextUnmarshaler)
  • UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error (encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler)

Many standard library types already implement one of these methods. For example, time.Time implements encoding.TextUnmarshaler for parsing RFC 3339 timestamps.

Custom types can be used so long as they implement one of the above methods. Here is an example which parses a string slice from a comma-delimited flag value string:

type App struct {
	Foos Foos

type Foos []string

func (foos *Foos) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
	s := string(text)
	*foos = append(*foos, strings.Split(s, ",")...)
	return nil