
A lightweight and powerful typeahead component for react.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Dependencies Dev Dependencies

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A lightweight yet powerful typeahead component for react.js to search through data. Key features include:

  • no npm dependencies
  • highlighting matching word for the suggestions
  • async loading of data with a variable threshold
  • support for multiple groups
  • tab through suggestions and submit with enter
  • easy to use and still flexible

Check out a Demo here: https://j-o-d-o.github.io/reactahead


Install with npm:

>> npm install reactahead

Then include in your react app

import Reactahead from reactahead;

If you want to use the code as base for your own typeahead component, feel free to copy the code from /src/lib/component/Reactahead.js & Reactahead.scss into your own react app. Happy coding :)


There are no module dependencies. But for the search and cancel icon, the google material icons (https://material.io/icons/) must be included like this to the index.html:

    <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel="stylesheet">



    suggestions={["Berlin", "Paris", "London", "New York"]}


        "City": ["Berlin", "Paris", "London", "New York"],
        "Country": ["USA", "England", "Germany", "Paris", "Spain"]

Passing Objects

value will be used to search against the users input and will show in the suggestions

        { value: "Berlin (Germany)", original: { name: "Berlin", population: 3470000 } },
        { value: "New York (USA)", original: { name: "New York", population: 8538000 } },
        { value: "Rome (Italy)", original: { name: "Rom", population: 2868000 } },
        { value: "Regensburg (Germany)", original: { name: "Regensburg", population: 142292 } }


Often the data is fetched from an API in a totally different structure. The developer must bring the data in the desired structure. Here is an example:

// Passing as array
class App extends React.Component {

    onSubmit(originalObj, info){

    asyncRequest(searchValue) {
        // 'searchValue' contains the user input in the search box
        return API.getSuggestions(searchValue).then((res) => {
            let returnValue = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
            return returnValue;

    render() {
        return (

export default App
// Passing as Object and as group
class App extends React.Component {

    onSubmit(originalObj, info){

    asyncRequest(searchValue) {
        // 'searchValue' contains the user input in the search box
        return API.getSuggestions(searchValue).then((res) => {
            // e.g. res has this format: [{ name: { en: STRING }, population: NUMBER }, ...]
            // returnValue must have this structure: [{value: STRING, original: ANY}, ...]
            let returnValue = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
                    value: res[i].name.en + " (" + res[i].population ")",
                    original: res.json[i]
            return returnValue;

    render() {
        return (
                    "Group Async": this.asyncRequest

export default App


Method Description
clearInput() Clear the user input and close the suggestions

To access the api use the api prop:

submit(org, info){
    // Close suggestions
render() {
    return (
            api={api => this.my_reactahead = api} ...>


Property Description
onChange: Function Callback for change events. Passes through the input event for onChange.
onSubmit: Function Callback for submit events. Submit events are fired if the user submits the input form.
onCancel: Function Callback for the cancel event which occurs if the user presses the cancel/close button 'X'. Or clears the input via the api.


render() {
    return (
         <Reactahead onChange={this.myChangeCb} ...></Reactahead>

onSubmit gets triggered by these events:

  • pressing Enter while focusing the input field
  • pressing Enter while focusing one of the suggestions
  • clicking on one of the suggestions
  • clicking on the search button.

The values that are passed to the callback are the original object and an info object. The info object contains these values:

    isSuggestion: BOOLEAN,  // True when user clicked on suggestion or focused suggestion while pressing enter
    valueRaw: STRING,       // The search value the user has typed into the search field
    groupName: STRING,      // Group which the suggestion is part of (undefined if it is not a suggestion)
    suggestions: []         // contains all suggestions for the current searchValue
mySubmitCb(original, info){
render() {
    return (
         <Reactahead onSubmit={this.mySubmitCb} ...></Reactahead>
render() {
    return (
         <Reactahead ref="reactahead" onCancel={this.myCancelCb} ...></Reactahead>


Tables Are
threshold: int How long should the asyncRequest wait until it loads new data (in ms). That way the server is not being spamed after each keystroke. Default = 200
placeholder: string Determines the placeholder for the input field. Default = "Search"
showGroupNames: boolean Determines weather the suggestions groups should be shown or not. If there are no results for the group it is not shown regardless. Default = false
showNoResults: boolean Flag to deterimne weather to show a "no result" suggestion if no suggestion matches the user input
noResultMsg: string String that shows if showNoResults = true, Default = "No Results found"
sendFirstSuggestionFlag: boolean If it is set to true and the user is presses the search button or enter while focusing the search field, the first suggestion will be sent via the submit callback. On false the 1. argument of onSubmit will be null and all the suggestions will be in info["suggestions"]. Default = true
maxSuggestions: int Max amount of suggestions shown per group. Default = 20
suggestions: array[any] -or- object Data for suggestions (check out the examples for more info)
asyncLoadingFuncs: Function -or- object The functions to load data e.g. from an API. (check out the examples for more infos)
...rest All other properties are passed to the outer reactahead component div e.g. id, className, style, ...

Bugs / Feature Requests / Contribution

Feel free to file bug reports or feature requests via the issue tracker or contribute via pull requests. To run the demo locally run:

>> npm run start

To build the module:

>> npm run build

To build the public github page:

>> npm run set-node-env
>> npm run build-demo


  • Search also the groups, so if there is a group = "continents" display all continents if user types "continent"
  • Implement fuzzy search where not every character must be the same. E.g. display "Apple" even if user writes "Aple"
  • Support icons infront of suggestions
  • Fully customizable suggestion styles
  • Flag to just always show all provided suggestions (and async suggestions). This is usefull if the developer does not want to use the reactahead search algorithm but his or her own.

This npm module is built with "Create-React-Library" (https://github.com/UdiliaInc/create-react-library)