
An ambitious patch for Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance.


  • Sheeo
  • ZockyZock
  • IceDreamer
  • RK4000
  • Guy
  • Eximius
  • AIx clan

Major Changes

These are the major changes most relevant to normal gameplay.

New Overcharge

  • A minimum of 2,000 stored energy is required to fire an overcharge.

  • The minimum reload time between shots is 2 seconds.

  • Firing an overcharge will consume all of your stored energy, up to a maximum of half your total energy storage capacity. For example, you might have 24,000 total energy storage capacity because you have built four energy storage structures (each providing 5,000 on top of the standard 4,000 from the ACU). If you currently have 15,000 energy in your energy bar, firing an overcharge will use 12,000 of that, leaving 3,000 in the bank. If you choose to fire again whilst you have just 3,000 left, all of this will be consumed because 3,000 is less than half of your 24,000 storage capacity. The more energy you spend on firing an overcharge, the more damage it deals. However, there is a maximum possible damage per shot of 25,000.

  • Because the amount of energy used will relate to the amount that you have stored, you could fire overcharges frequently, dealing smaller amounts of damage each time, or wait and build up your energy to fire a high-damage shot.

  • Overcharge is now possible without any energy storage structures, but because little energy can be stored without these the damage output is very low.

  • Adding energy storage increases the potential damage output exponentially, up to about 10 structures. Beyond this you enter a phase of diminishing returns up to around 20 structures.

The following table shows some example figures:

Energy Storages Energy Spent Damage Dealt Reload Time DPS
0 2k 248 2 124
1 4.5k 407 2 203
2 7k 664 2 332
3 9.5k 1077 2 538
4 12k 1.7k 2 864
5 14.5k 2.7k 2 1363
6 17k 4.1k 2 2099
7 19.5k 6.2k 2 3121
8 22k 8.8k 2.21 4k
9 24.5k 11.8k 2.96 4k
10 27k 15k 3.74 4k
11 29.5k 17.7k 4.44 4k
12 32k 20k 5.01 4k
13 34.5k 21.7k 5.43 4k
14 37k 22.9k 5.73 4k
15 39.5k 23.7k 5.92 4k
16 42k 24.2k 6.04 4k
17 44.5k 24.5k 6.12 4k
22 57k 25k 6.23 4k
  • Overcharging will never reach an effective DPS higher than 4k because of the increase in reload time.

  • Damage is capped at 500 vs ACUs


  • Decide building damage reduction/cap


  • Mass Storage no longer provides mass production bonus to Mass Extractors.

Smaller Changes

  • ACU TML Projectile HP reduction, AoE splash for Seraphim one -The Seraphim TML is now identical to the UEF's one with the exception of a 0.2s delay before firing, necessary for animation. AOE = 2 (From 3), MuzzleVelocity = 5 (From 10) (Affects the arc and effective minimum range).

    -Billy had a 30 second reload time which severely limited the effectiveness of the weapon, especially considering the extremely high cost. Reload reduced from 30 seconds to 10 seconds, providing you have the absurd economy necessary to fire that fast.

    -Additional changes while looking at this were made to all the game's nukes. Inner ring radius and damage seems good across the board, but outer ring damage is all over the place. It's been re-done along the following theory: -Billy: Kills all T1, puts a serious dent in T2. Outer ring set to 1000 Damage (From 250). Inner ring damage reduced to 10000 (From 12000) to compensate. -Submarines: Kills all T2, puts a serious dent in light T3 units. Outer ring left at 3000. -Static Nukes: Kills all T2, light T3, and puts a serious dent in heavy T3 units. Outer ring set to 5000 (From 500). -Seraphim T4 Nuke: Kills all T3. Outer ring damage set to 10000 (From 7500).

  • Factory rolloff time normalized for engineers -All Land Factories are already completely identical -All Air Factories are now the same as each other, and as Land -Request a speed buff be created to accelerate Engineers from the T3 UEF Factory to solve visual clipping, not essential -Naval Factories completed and now produce at the same speed as the appropriate tech level Land or Air Factory -Full T1 Cybran Air Factory folder included as hard overwrite to counteract the current FAF code, which can't be hooked out properly. -Extremely odd bug with the T3 Naval Factories, they sometimes error out in the OnPause function, something to do with the StopArmsMoving function, method SetGoal is a nil value apparently. No idea why this is happening, probably a hooking fail.

  • Increase beam range on transports for easier loading

    • Continental hard overwrite to get rid of buggy script last patch
    • Drop height on all transports set to 7 (From 3)


  • Adjacency for Mass Extractors and Mass Fabricators now only works when they are turned on.

Changes to come

Changes in italic are -maybe- changes.


  • Atackmove for range units Currently, attackmove for units doesn't work in that units go too close before they start attacking

  • Atackmove from factory for engies Engies on attackmove from factory will have too high reclaim range

  • Check if it is possible to nerf manual reclaim/hack atackmove reclaim to be as efficient (no real bugfix) Make manual reclaim as efficient as attackmove

  • Equalize tree groups & single trees reclaim time

  • ACU dies if it gets loaded into a transport while turning

  • Allow showing hotstats while watching replays

  • Radar UI doesn't update post upgrade

  • Extractor UI doesn't always update post upgrade

  • Remove Brute's FactoryFixes.lua entirely and fix everything properly.

  • Fixed shields entirely, they should now work in every circumstance across the board. Personal shields now handle damage via unit.lua

Smaller Changes

  • Different shield overspill mechanism, if toggling shields to prevent it proves viable
  • Increase T2 factory upgrade cost by 5-20%
  • Make T3 Arty a useful unit, if you only have one, check values, check if the reason it is useless is that it can’t break t2 shields, remove adjacency or rework it (add e cost for shots & pg lower it OR make pg lower rate of fire, e storage increase dmg i.e.)
  • Repairing units cheaper

UI Changes


  • Mixed key for mass & energy storage

  • Upgrade key takes engymod into account

  • Make ">", "<" and "|" keys bindable

  • Third bind on normal keys (qwerty) if no factory/builder is selected

  • Adjust the build factory hotkey for support factories (if there is no HQ, W will build HQ, otherwise most advanced support fac, add a new key for HQ only)

  • Fix idle airscout key (implement done solution)

  • Adjustable selection priority for selen, mobile shields & stealth, scouts, maybe AA. Either with new fire state, hold fire one, on assisting, or other.

  • Fix zooming height when double pressing control groups

  • Fix insta-zoom key not working while shift is pressed

  • Minimap on top of other UI elements

  • Complete new, cool, smaller UI

  • Grid where it is possible to build/drop ( incircle of X distance around mouse pointer)

  • Automatic massfab throttling

  • Minimap improvement with camera angle, map preview instead of cartographic view option, options to not display units/buildings etc.

  • Improved spread-attack, introduce it for overcharge

  • Fix the chain-upgrade problem of not updating UI symbols/apply it to the upgrade key too

  • Allow cyb t3 engys to build ed5 shields (need to copy the hack from engymod to have increased buildtime & cost for those)

  • Add ed2 -> ed5 shield button/key

  • Improve hotstats (zooming/set shown times, maybe more stats, maybe remove some useless stats or improve UI)

  • Add some order to load units in transports from factory, without unloading them after

  • Maybe not include, but make anyway: sniping mod, that calculates how many of your selected units you need to kill the target in one pass (if all hit)

  • Along with new UI, show more infos for observer (meaningful mass income from all players i.e.)

  • Include first person view

  • Improve and include netlag adjustment

  • Include minimap fix

  • Improve transport loading process for big armies

T3 Land & EXP

  • Percival, Brick Range 26 (starting value), speed 2.4 DPS adjustment
  • Harbinger/Othuum -25% dps (starting value)
  • Titan, Loyalist No change, but should be more useful with nerf of 'main' t3 land
  • T4 buildtimes multiplied by 3 (starting value) If exps need a buff, buff supportive stats so using them in combination with t3 land is stronger


  • Factories add 100 mass storage, 1k energy storage
  • Check if total mass output with full t3 eco is still enough to play the game, if not increase t3 mex output & cost
  • Check if the risk for going from full t2 mex to first t3 mex is too big, if yes decrease t3 mex cost
  • Check if total mass output is still too much to make mapcontrol relevant, if yes decrease t3 mex output even further (12 maybe lowest possible value)
  • Rework t2 & t3 massfab efficiency (& maybe adjacency)
  • Nerf ACU RAS, check SCU RAS
  • Check if costs for very expensive things (gameender, nukes, t3 arty, EXPs) are not too high with the lower eco


  • Add/increase rolloff time for air / delay before production
  • Nerf speed for t3 planes as much as possible, ASF speed 18 as start, scout 22


Vertical drop, and solve all dropping problems that might come with it, maybe check vanilla supcom for reference. Reduce cost and dmg (cost more than dmg), possibly reduce cost by 50% as start and 2/3 dmg. Consider changing the energy/mass/bt ratio if it seems useful. Make them killable by (enough emouts of) flak BEFORE they drop a bomb due to hitbox/speed/flying height changes. Include shields in the calculation about how many bombers you’d need, and how much flak is appropriate for that. Juggle with the values so they don’t become too bad/too good vs mobile flak either (current power is about ok, hard to say how it will turn out with the eco changes though, will need a lot testing) If needed can adjust mobile flak slightly too (projectile speed, splash, speed..), but not too much to keep them as good vs gunships as now. Check T4 bomber too Change stationary flak values as much as needed, if changing bomber values is not enough Decrease stat. Flak range as much as possible, and make them as expensive as possible, while still being able to count the bombers before they drop. Scenario is to have flak around a nuke i.e. , not much forwarded flak that you’d need in all 4 direction (as that would need the flak to be 4 times cheaper, and thus getting OP in any other case) Consider at range nerf that they must still counter gunships aswell. Maybe range back to 44 for all of them as start. Similar for SAM, nerf range (44 as start), increase cost. Remove redundant AOE. Make them as expensive as possible, use t1/t2 AA turrents in relation to early game income as reference.

Give ASF/Int two roles, one countering the other, the other countering all other planes. Really complicated, but would be great if possible. Role 1: Interceptor, speed high enough to catch all other planes (bomber gunships transports, scouts), losing bad to ASF Role 2: ASF, slightly slower than the other planes, so not useful to intercept them reliably, but beating ASF mass for mass Question is: Will T1 or T3 plane be the ASF If t1, it needs to still be decent against t1 bomber and t2 bomber & gunships, undermining it’s role If t3, the t1 plane will be able to catch t2 transports & t3 bomber, making it less attractive to go t3 Both are not terrible, and should work, but its not optimal. T1 is kinda the current solution, except that you make Ints beat ASF. Would probably lead to giant inti-clusters aswell. In any case, speed of ASF would need to be slightly lower than as much as possible other planes, while Intie needs to be as slow as possible, while still being able to catch all others, to ensure the gap between ASF and intie is as low as possible. adjust swift winds and speed of all other planes accordingly to that can give Restorer role as very slow, but more powerfull ASF or “mobile SAM” or fancy name “AA-Gunship” Restorer 18 air-to-ground dps