
A repository for algorithm enthusiasts, including general algorithms and specific problems for algorithm enthusiasts to solve.

Primary LanguagePython



  • This is a repository for algorithm enthusiasts, including general algorithms and specific problems for algorithm enthusiasts to solve.
  • all algorithms and problem solutions should be implemented in python
  • versions and lib requirements should be marked
  • all algorithms and problem solutions should have documentation and tests

Table of Contents

  • Algorithms

    • arrays

      • rotate_matrix: rotate a matrix
      • two_sum: Given an array of integers, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number
      • max_product_subarray: Givein an array of integers, find the max product of a sub-array
    • data_structures

      • linked_list
        • add_two_numbers: add two numbers represented as two linked_list
        • check_loop: check if a linked_list contains loop
        • check_palindrome: check if a linked_list is palindrome
        • find_intersection: find if two linked_lists intersect each other
        • partition: divide a linked_list into two, one has items larger than a value and the rest in the other
        • remove_duplicates: remove duplicates nodes
        • return_kth_to_last: return the kth to last element in the linked_list
      • queue
        • stack_queue: implement a queue using two stacks
      • stack
        • sort_stack: return a sorted stack
        • stack_min: implement a stack that can track its min
      • priority queue
        • MaxPQ
        • MinPQ
    • searching

      • binary_search
    • sorting

      • bubble_sort
      • insertion_sort
      • selection_sort
      • shell_sort
      • merge_sort
      • quick_sort
    • strings

      • check_permutation: given two strings, check if one is the permutation of the other
      • check_permutation_of_palindrome: check if an input string is a permutation of palindrome
      • is_unique_characters: check if a string has unique characters
      • one_edit_away: check if a string is one edit away from the other
      • string_compression: string compression algorithms
      • string_permutation: string permutation algorithms
      • zig_zag_conversion: convert a string in zig zag order into line by line order
  • Problems:

    • book_pricing: calculate total price based on group discounts
    • count_num_of_islands: given a matrix, 1 is land and 0 is water, count how many islands in the matrix
    • game_of_life: simulation of game of life evolution