An Erlang backend to the OCaml compiler
Caramel is an experimental project, featuring primarily an Erlang backend to the OCaml compiler, that brings one of the most mature and expressive type-systems in the world to the BEAM.
In short, it lets you write some OCaml:
(* *)
let inc x = x + 1
and it will compile it to Erlang.
% math.erl
inc(X) -> erlang:'+'(X, 1).
NOTE: idiomatic support for infix operators is still not there :)
You can download the latest pre-release from the releases
page. After
unpacking it you should be able to add it to your PATH env and start playing
around with the caramelc
You can find several examples in ./examples
, and in
In the examples, you can run caramelc compile *.ml
to get them all built in
the right order.
Here's an OCaml module and the compiled Erlang module:
type msg = [ `Reset | `Add of int | `Hello of string ]
type state = string * int
let handle_message : state -> msg option -> state =
fun state msg ->
let x, y = state in
match msg with
| Some `Reset -> ("", 0)
| Some (`Add z) -> (x, z)
| Some (`Hello n) -> (n, y)
| None -> state
let rec loop ~recv state =
Io.format "current_state: ~p\n" [ state ];
let msg = recv ~timeout:(Process.Bounded 5000) in
let state2 = handle_message state msg in
loop ~recv state2
let start x = Process.make (fun _self recv -> loop ~recv x)
let do_work () =
let pid = start ("hi", 0) in
Erlang.send pid (`Hello "joe")
% Source code generated with Caramel.
-type msg() :: reset
| {add, integer()}
| {hello, binary()}
-type state() :: {binary(), integer()}.
-spec handle_message(state(), option:t(msg())) -> state().
handle_message(State, Msg) ->
{X, Y} = State,
case Msg of
{some, reset} -> {<<"">>, 0};
{some, {add, Z}} -> {X, Z};
{some, {hello, N}} -> {N, Y};
none -> State
-spec loop(fun((process:after_time()) -> option:t(msg())), state()) -> ok.
loop(Recv, State) ->
io:format(<<"current_state: ~p\n">>, [State | []]),
Msg = Recv({bounded, 5000}),
State2 = handle_message(State, Msg),
loop(Recv, State2).
-spec start(state()) -> erlang:pid(msg()).
start(X) -> process:make(fun
(_self, Recv) -> loop(Recv, X)
-spec do_work() -> ok.
do_work() ->
Pid = start({<<"hi">>, 0}),
erlang:send(Pid, {hello, <<"joe">>}).
Running on the Erlang shell we get this output:
examples/processes λ erl
Erlang/OTP 23 [erts-11.0.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:64:64] [ds:64:64:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]
Eshell V11.0.3 (abort with ^G)
1> c(holder_annotated).
2> holder_annotated:
do_work/0 handle_message/2 loop/2 module_info/0
module_info/1 start/1
2> holder_annotated:do_work().
current_state: {<<"hi">>,0}
current_state: {<<"joe">>,0}
current_state: {<<"joe">>,0}
BREAK: (a)bort (A)bort with dump (c)ontinue (p)roc info (i)nfo
(l)oaded (v)ersion (k)ill (D)b-tables (d)istribution