
Cinekid 2015 rendering server provisioning

Primary LanguageShell

This are application and provisioning sources to create media transcode servers.


  • Ubuntu installation (tested on 14.04)
  • User with sudo rights (or root)


Make sure the computer is running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

Create and login as user cinekid. This user needs sudo permissions.

Do not take the offer to upgrade to the latest Ubuntu!

Open Terminal: Upper left icon, search for Terminal.

Install git and pull the repository locally:

sudo apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/aequitas/cinekid-render-server.git
cd cinekid-render-server

Copy either settings.yaml.primary or settings.yaml.secondary to settings.yaml in the hiera folder depending on which server is being configured. For primary server also add works names and secret credentials for rsync upload.

Edit the settings file (save changes with ctrl-o and exit with ctrl-x) and modify the works (werkjes) directories that need to be created.

Information such as cinekid::web_user, cinekid::web_host and cinekid::public_key which are required for uploading the results to the webserver should be known and need to be added as well. (It is possible to run make first and then login using SSH from a laptop to copy and paste this credentials and then run make again to reapply configuration).

nano hiera/settings.yaml

Run the following command to bootstrap/install according to the settings:


The provision scripts (Puppet) will now install all required dependencies for encoding and configure the computer to be used as encoding server.

The make command can be run as often as needed (eg: after changing settings) and will try to undo all changes made manually to ensure the computer is in a expected state.

To reapply changes after the repository has been updated on Github run:

make update

To watch the process run:

make status

For more options, make supports tab completion:

make <tab>

Do not change any other files except settings.yaml. Otherwise updates might not be pulled in via git pull (error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:). To reset the cinekid-render-server and undo any changes run: git reset --hard.

Test samples

This step requires git-lfs to download the large files. Follow these instructions: https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/wiki/Installation

In cinekid-render-server run:

git lfs install
git lfs init
git lfs pull

To verify if everything is working run:

make test_werkjes

This will place some samples in the incoming Samba share which will be picked up by the pipeline.


Copy example settings file to actual settings file name:

cp hiera/settings.yaml.dist hiera/settings.yaml

Get IP address of current computer:

ip addr show dev eth0

Or use static addresses if DHCP lease time is short.

One computer is primary one others are secondary. The primary runs the Samba shares and performs Rsync to the webserver. Choose one computer as primary and use this computers IP in settings.yaml (below). The other render computers IP addresses should be configured as secondary in settings.yaml. A computer will determine if it is primary or secondary by checking its IP address in the settings and will provision accordingly. To Promote a secondary to a primare (eg: to replace a broker primary). Replace the IP address of primary in the settings and apply again (below).


These instructions only apply if you want to develop the render cluster using virtual machines instead of real hardware.

For local development Vagrant can be used to create virtual render servers and run tests against the provisioned configuration. Make sure Vagrant is installed/setup and run:

vagrant up

This will create 3 virtual machines: master render server encode-server-1, slave render server encode-server-2 and a webserver for testing uploads test-web-server.

To login to master server and monitoring progress run:

vagrant ssh encode-server-1

And once inside:

make status

To run the testsuite against the virtual environment run (outside of virtual machines):

make integration-test

Machines can be brought up/created individually by their name:

vagrant up encode-server-1

If provisioning needs to be reapplied (if it failed or configuration has changed) run:

vagrant provision encode-server-1

This is equivalent of running make when logged into one of the virtual machines.


This project is provided with a test suite to validate code quality and functionality.

To run quality check and unit tests:

make check test

To verify funtionality after installation run:

make integration-test-local

The following command will test the integrity of this project for development:

make check test && vagrant destroy -f && vagrant up && make integration-test

Directory structure

Working directory is:


This contain the following directories:

  • samba: files are uploaded here
  • render_locks: contains a lockfile when a video is rendering, lockfile contains PID and host id
  • tmp: contains temporary files during rendering
  • done: file is moved here when rendering is finished
    • removing a file here will cause it to be rerendered
    • this directory is rsynced to the webserver
    • jpeg files are generated here after video is rendered
  • logs: contains logfiles for every render performed

Other log files can be found at:



To get status information on the current process run this command:

make status

For status on only rsync or rendering pipeline:

make status_pipeline
make status_rsync

expected output

General information

  • List of files to render is shuffeled every time, so invalid files don't block the rendering pipeline

  • Puppet is used to bring the system to required state (install packages, make required directories, install commands and add daemons)

  • A user cinekid will be created and used for all actions, make sure you act as user cinekid when manually modifying files/directories: sudo -u cinekid

  • These errors are normal:

    Warning: Setting templatedir is deprecated. See http://links.puppetlabs.com/env-settings-deprecations Warning: You cannot collect without storeconfigs being set on line 46 in file /vagrant/vendor/modules/nfs/manifests/server/export.pp


Copy the file:




And modify files for setting overrides.

After changing settings run puppet apply again:

make apply

Settings which are required are:


Override render mapping

To override which render script is used for which 'werkje' directory or input extension create the following file:


This file should be a valid json file containing a json object (dict) mapping 'werkje' directories or extensions to lists containing a rendered name and desired output extension.


To render file with de default renderer by default (so if not overwritten by another rule) using the m4v extension for the output file put this in the file:

    "default": ["default", "m4v"]

To have the files of TestWerkje123 not processed at all but just passed on as-is (without changing the extension) use this:

    "TestWerkje123": ["noop", null]

Multiple rules can be combined like this:

    "default": ["default", "m4v"],
    "TestWerkje123": ["noop", null],
    "apk": ["noop", null]

To test if the json file is valid run this command:

python -m json.tool /srv/cinekid/config/render_mapping.json

It should output the contents of the json file on success, or an error on failure.

Available renderers

Renderers are 'bash' scripts living in the directory:


They are named:


Where ####### is the renderer name.

Default installed renderers are:

- default: the default renderer, rendering files to h264/AAC.
- noop: NO OPeration renderer. 'Copies' the file as-is to output.

Renderers are extension agnostic. Extensions are set in the render_mapping.json file.

To experiment with renderers it is possible to create a copy of a existing renderer (preferable 'default') in the same directory with a different 'renderer name'.

This can then be references in the 'render_mapping.json' without modification of the application sourcecode.


Watching output of processing pipeline:

sudo tail -f /var/log/upstart/cinekid_processing_pipeline.log

Logfile of individual renders can be found in:
