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Software prerequisites

  • Segger Embedded Studio for ARM (SES). Tested with v4.12, all versions are available here. At some point after launch, it will request a license. Fortunately, it's free for nRF development - just fill all fields and request it.
  • nRF SDK 15.3.0. Download and unzip it anywhere (e.g. C:/Dev/nRF5_SDK_15.3.0_59ac345), then in SES go to Tools -> Options -> Building -> Global macros and set NRF_SDK_PATH to path chosen above (e.g. NRF_SDK_PATH=C:/Dev/nRF5_SDK_15.3.0_59ac345).

That should be enough. If needed, more information and links to the additional tools can be found in the official Nordic's "Getting Started".

To open the project in SES, open nrf52/blank/ses/firefly.emProject (this is a SES project file).

Hardware setup


  • One of nRF devkits.
  • Some jumper wires.
  • Firefly board itself.

Connect VDD, GND, SWDIO and SWDCLK according to the devkit and Firefly pinouts.