scrape all products from merchandise feed and website source feed: rakuten, cj, shareasale, pepperjam
website: luxury brand who doesn't have cooporation relationship with marketers
includes category: product link, img, price, promotion, product info
upload to AWS Cloudsearch and build API Wrapper to connect image processing model results and user click
public API in structure: http://'secret'/<brand_name>/<product_type>/ depper search: supply detail information of the products. http://'secret'/products/mysearch?brand=<>&category=<>&color=<>&desc=<>&subid=123
return most up-to-date products info
for update function, run celery parallel uploading & uploading: download : celery -A shareAsale worker --loglevel=debug celery -A cj_celery worker --loglevel=debug celery -A rakuten_celery worker --loglevel=debug
run main function to call celery workers
upload : celery -A upload_task worker --loglevel=debug run main: python
worker monitor: celery -A upload_task flower --port=5555 check work failure: http://localhost:5555/broker