
:video_game: TypeRacer cheat code

MIT LicenseMIT

TypeRacer Cheat Code

📖 Hacking


var counter = -1;
var firstWord = document.getElementsByClassName("inputPanel")[0].querySelectorAll("span")[0].innerHTML + document.getElementsByClassName("inputPanel")[0].querySelectorAll("span")[1].innerHTML,
restOfText = document.getElementsByClassName("inputPanel")[0].querySelectorAll("span")[2].innerHTML;
var fullText = firstWord.concat(restOfText);
var inputBox = document.getElementsByClassName('txtInput');
(function getString() {
    setTimeout(function() {
        inputBox[0].value += fullText[counter];
        if(counter != fullText.length) {
        //adjust the 100 milliseconds for a faster wpm & be undetected by their new system.
    }, 100);

Copy the code above ^^ then go to TypeRacer Enter a Race, on your keyboard press ctrl + shift + i to open the console When the game starts(It says GO!), paste the cheat code you just copied in the console and hit enter picture alt