
Custom game DOTA tutorial.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

DOTA 2 Tutorial

This repository contains the community tutorial project as explained in SirActionSlacks' video.

If you want to contribute you can join the discussion in the SirActionSlacks discord.

Getting Started

  1. Make sure you have Node.js installed.
  2. Create a fork of this repository and clone it.
  3. Open terminal in that directory and run npm install to install dependencies.
  4. To compile the code run npm run dev in a terminal, or if you are using VSCode you can press Ctrl+Shfit+B. This will start a watcher that automatically compiles any code changes you make as long as it's running.
  5. Open the dota workshop tools for the dota_tutorial addon and open Console from the asset browser.
  6. Start the map with dota_launch_custom_game dota_tutorial dota. Once the map is running you can reload the script with script_reload and clear console with clear.


Anyone can contribute by submitting a pull request to this repository with proposed changes, we will review your changes to make sure everything is in line with the project and then merge it.

Please use the discord to coordinate on what to do or if you need some help.