
Dedicated Content Management System

Primary LanguagePerl

This repository contains only an incomplete sample of the project. It does not contain templates, css files nor other static resouces, which are stored in another private repository.

Pan Wywrotek

Pan Wywrotek is a content managment system used for managing Wywrota.pl website.

Code structure

  • cgi-bin - Perl FastCGI scripts, project libraries and configuration files
  • doc - some documentation and project history
  • resources - static files - JavaSctipt, images, fonts etc.
  • templates - site templates in Template-Toolkit format
  • test - test data for incoming interfaces
  • utils - various perl and bash scripts

Setting up development environment

You can follow this steps to set up local development environment on Linux/Mac/Windows. This setup is slightly different than production environment.

  1. Clone sources from Git

    git clone git@bitbucket.org:wywrota/wywrotek.git
  2. Install Apache, MySQL, Perl, NodeJS, Grunt

    • on Linux use standard system packages
    • on Mac use Xcode
    • on Windows you can use WAMP and ActivePerl
    • on Windows create folder C:\usr\bin\ and copy there perl.exe file to allow cross-platform cgi scripts
  3. Set environment variable WYWROTEK_SITE_CONFIG (ie. windows, mac, dev)

  4. Edit file ./config/config.xml. In the section <mode name="mac"> set all necessary paths and passwords.

  5. Install required Perl libaries. The script ./utils/list_dependencies.pl will get the full list of missing dependencies for you. It gives you a command you should run to install the modules returned by the script, ie:

    sudo cpan  Astro::MoonPhase CGI::Ajax CGI::Fast Cache::Memcached ...
    • In case of problems with installing MySQL libraries on Windows use the package manager provided by ActivePerl Start > Active State Perl > Perl Package Manager, search for dbd-mysql and install.
    • In case of problems with C++ compilier on windows 'dmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command install MinGW
  6. Import database. You will need production or development dapabase dump. To import the database you can use the script utils/import_db.sh

  7. Verify installation by running perl cgi-bin/db.fcgi. You should see a message "Status: 302 Found Location: http://www.wywrota.pl" or similar.

  8. Set up Apache. In the file conf\httpd.conf make the following changes:

    • uncomment LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/mod_rewrite.so
    • uncomment LoadModule cgi_module libexec/apache2/mod_cgi.so
    • copy the file wywrota-apache-mac.conf to apache conf directory and adjust the paths in this file
    • add Include /conf/wywrota-apache-mac.conf at the end of the conf\httpd.conf file
  9. Edit the hosts file. It can be found in the following locations /etc/hosts or %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. Add the following lines		wywrota.local		www.wywrota.local		teksty.wywrota.local		literatura.wywrota.local
  10. Install Grunt CLI and generate static files

    npm install -g grunt-cli
    npm install
  11. Restart Apache. After accessing http://www.wywrota.local/ you should see the home page.


To enable debugging you need to adjust <debug_level> parameter in config.xml file. You can set it to one of the following values: "all, trace, debug, warn, error, none"

Use the following functions to add debugging points to your code:

Wywrota->trace("Starting to load data");
Wywrota->debug("You can pass objects too", $object);
Wywrota->warn("Something went wrong with this file", $file);
Wywrota->error("Something went really wrong with this file!", $file);