
xBootstrap4 is a theme for XOOPS (www.xoops.org) developed with Bootstrap4.

Online demo: http://demo.xoopsfire.com

###Shareaholic support Previously, social sharing links through Shareaholic were automatically enabled. These are now optional and disabled by default. To enable Shareaholic support follow these steps:

  • Visit https://shareaholic.com to create an account and register your site
  • Take note of the Site Id code Shareaholic assigns to your site
  • Open the template file tpl/shareaholic-script.tpl in your editor
  • Replace the n/a in this line <{assign var='siteId' value='n/a'}> with the Site Id Shareaholic assigned to you, and save the file

You can customize how Shareaholic interacts with your site in the Site Tools Dashboard on shareaholic.com. You may want to create an Inline App Location on that page to customize the Share Buttons. These buttons will be shown in templates such as modules/publisher/publisher_item.tpl with this line: <div class='shareaholic-canvas' data-app='share_buttons' data-app-id=''></div>

###Headhesive menus In the file tpl/nav-menu.tpl there is an option at the top of the file in the line <{assign var='stickyHeader' value='yes'}>. This option keeps the menu bar stuck to the top of the display. If you would prefer to let the menu disapper as you scroll down the page, change the setting to value='no' and save the file.