- 0
- 0
Adding multiple quotas failing with nil pointer
#250 opened by soumyathampi - 0
Moon service type configuration
#245 opened by eitanief - 0
- 1
How to set annotation for the browser pod in Moon2?
#240 opened by disparo13 - 1
Charts index is broken
#231 opened by vania-pooh - 0
Flag to not create namespaces automatically
#221 opened by vania-pooh - 8
Add chart customization options like fullnameOverride to the moon2 chart
#208 opened by Michael-Masas - 0
browser session doesnt work in openshift
#212 opened by eldoranstars - 2
custom location
#206 opened by podguzovvasily - 2
Can't upgrade to 2.5.0
#200 opened by AmitBaranes - 1
Moon2 does not support pushing logs to aws s3
#197 opened by rixwan-sharif - 5
Browser pod immediately terminated after start
#101 opened by random1st - 1
- 7
- 3
- 2
Use dedicated service account for moon-browser pod
#129 opened by dani-CO-CN - 4
Add option to set annotation on the aerokube provided serviceaccount (Moon2)
#126 opened by dani-CO-CN - 1
Migrate to Github Actions
#61 opened by vania-pooh - 5
- 20
Random browser pods freezes
#72 opened by lukdz - 7
Add tolerations for browser pods
#65 opened by dani-CO-CN - 3
Custom Ingress definition support
#119 opened by achandwaniya-srcit - 2
- 4
Posiblility to change namespace
#109 opened by rebla - 1
- 1
Doesn't work with AWS S3 and IAM role
#84 opened by random1st - 0
- 7
Helm chart is not working.
#77 opened by Aman-singh-wq - 2
Imposible to upgrade chart 1.1.14 -> 1.1.15
#76 opened by MrEcco - 1
Switch to in Ingress
#62 opened by vania-pooh - 2
Moon htpasswd does not limit access
#57 opened by Andreik8s - 2
Ignore security context for browser pods
#54 opened by koeppchen17 - 1
Ability to set nodeSelector globally
#27 opened by vania-pooh - 2
Secret credentials not found
#13 opened by boskiv - 0
- 1
- 1
- 5
No XSession started
#6 opened by boskiv - 8
Immutable chart versioning
#5 opened by marcinbojko